Chapter 20: Yours truely

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*The next day*

I wake up with Kehlani's toes in my face and I push them out the way and get up to get my phone I pick up my phone and see Don, Melo, my dad, Katina, the Devon kid, Gelo, and Quan had texted me. I unlocked my phone and texted back Devon, Don, and my dad for right now.

Devon😍-Hey you free today?

Kc😍💦-Probable not. I got plans with my guy bestfriends

Devon😍-Ok. Let you when your free and can I get you snap?

Kc😍💦-Sure (Go add me guys)

Devon😍-Bet I'll see you soon

I put my phone down and walk to the kitchen and the girls crawl out of the fort. 

"Morning sleeping beauties!" I said as I unplugged my phone.

"Morning ya nut." Kira said. My phone started ringing and Don was facetiming me I answered it and said wassup.

"Hey Kc. Where my baby at?" He said.

"Right here baby." Kira said as she leaned in to kiss the phone.

"Aye not on my phone I just cleaned it." I said pushing her. She rolled her eyes and stood next to me.

"What y'all doing?" He said eating cereal.

"Just woke up." I said putting my coco in the microw wave.

"Why are you having coco in the morning?" Jay said in the background.

"Because I don't like coffee unless it's from starbucks and bitch it's 1pm ." I said.

"This bitch." Kehlani said.

"Shut up." I said.

"What time you going to Eli's house?" Don said.

"Whenever you scoop me." I said getting my coco out.

"Bet I'll come get you in a bit." He said.

"Hurry now." I said as he hung up.

"Why you going to Eli's house?" Kehlani said.

"We just gonna hang." I said.

"But__" Kehlani said before Kira cut her off.

"Kehlani they're best friends just let her go." She said.

"You still talk to Melo so why can't she hang with Eli." Jay said.

"Wait you talk to Melo?!" I said in shock. I was ok with it I mean they are friends but I just didn't know cause I thought she'd cut him off.

"Yeah of course he's a close friend of mine but I don't hang with him." She said.

"Well you can if you want. I don't care honestly he's not concerned. Not like y'all fucking or anything." I said. We all bursted out in laughter from the thought of it.

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