Chapter 13: Lemonade?

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After school I take my anger out on the track and coach said that's  the best practice I've  ever had. I walked home cause I didn't want to talk to anyone at all. As I was walking home I saw Zo pull up next to me and rolled down the window.

"You need a ride?" He said.

"Fine." I said. I was tired and my legs were dead (Only track people get it. No offense to non track people.) I got into the car and we drove off.

"So you and Lamelo." He said breaking the silence.

"He was tripping and I wasn't having it. That's  it period." I said.

"You know you love him." He teased.

"Whatever." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"You know Melo is crazy over you right?" He said. I nodded.

"So forgive him. I know he can do some dumb stuff but you can't  just cut him out cause he tripping." He said.

"Ok, ok. Drop me off at your house we'll  talk." I said. 

"Good." He said smiling. We pulled up to his house and I got out. I headed inside and was greeted by Mrs.Tina.

"Hey sweety. I heard what happened he's  in his room." She said as she hugged me.

"Thank you." I said with a smile and tan upstairs. I loved her so much she always was looking out for her kids and I loved that. I got to his room and I knocked on it. He didn't  answer for a while and I heard a girl in there. 

"Oh hell no." I said as I rushed in. When I opened the door I saw his ex Jasmin topless in his sheets covering herself and Melo shirtless under the covers. So and Gelo comes in behind me and are shock themselves.

"Kc I can explain." He said. I felt years build up in my eyes but I fight them and look at Jasmin.

"Run." Melo says.

"What?" She said. I charged her shit and I would have killed her if Gelo and So weren't holding me back.

"Kc chill!" Melo said. I smacked the shit out of him and he turned red.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" I yelled at him

"I.. I...." He said before his dad walked in.

"WHAT THE HE__" He said as he saw Jasmin and Melo.

"Let her go." His dad said.

"What?" Gelo said.

"Let Kc go.  He said again. Gelo did as he was told and I jumped on Melo and and his new bitch and she lost a few tracks after I was done with her and Melo had bruises all over his face and I left without a scratch on me.

"Kc let me explain." He said as he chased me out the house.

"There's  nothing left to say Melo. If you wanna be Ms.Stds over there with her sorry ass pussy go head Melo just take my virginity  and cheat on me cause things get hard." I said trying not to cry.

"Kc__" He said before I cut him off.

"Save it Melo I don't need it." I said. "Here." I said handing a note. 

"What's this?" He said.

"Open it and see." I said as I walked off.

"Kc don't do this." He said. I walked to my house and slammed the door then slowly slid down the door and cried until I could cry anymore. Afterwards I head to my personal gym and start punching my punching bag without my gloves and my hands kinda started hurting. As I was working out my dad came inside.

"Hey marshmallow cake." He said. I stopped punching and he saw the tears in my eyes and put out his arms. I ran into his arms and he hugged me tightly. 

"It hurts so badly." I said trying.

"That's  because you need gloves." He said. I looked up at him and laughed. At of all people I know my dad will always be there to make me smile with I needed it most. He hands me a bag of snacks and tissues and I know exactly  what that meant. I hugged him tightly and grabbed the bag then ran to my room. I put on a sad playlist and get a huge piece of paper and get out my art supplies. Whenever I'm upset I like to draw and make crafts. I use to do it with Jordan but he's  gone now. As I get started Melo starts blowing up my phone and I decline each one and he finally leaves a voicemail. 

"Kc I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do all that I swear it won't happen again. Don't leave me Kc I love you." He said as he was about to cry on the voicemail. I deiced to call him back and when he answered he was in tears.

*Call starts*



Melo-Kc I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. She just snuck in and I told her to leave but she started touching me and shit and I couldn't turn away.

Kc-And that's why I can't trust you. One girl comes over touching you while your horny and you go behind my back to fuck her RIGHT after you fuck me.

Melo-Kc don't be like that it was a mistake.

Kc- No the only one who made a mistake was me. Because I dated and trusted you.


*Call ends*

I hang up and throw my phone across the room and put my head in my hands then cried. I hear my door open slightly and I look up at Dashawn with snacks, and a box of tissues. I loved my family they always know how to cheer me up when I was upset.

"Come here." I said as he ran to me. He gave me a tissues and a blanket as I rested my head on his tiny shoulder and I started crying again as I poured out my feelings. 

Melo POV

Man I really messed things up between me and Kc I didn't mean to do all that. I mean it's been a month since Jasmin came back and I knew Kc would have had sex with me so I didn't have a choice I had to take the offer. I gotta fix this but how. 

Jasmin POV (Y'all didn't think I'd forget ole girl did you)

This bitch almost fucking killed my ass. I'm glad they did break up though cause now I can have him all to myself. But I hope she gets whatever coming to her for doing this shit to me. Let's see how long she last after I expose this bitch. 


What's poppin guys. I'mma have another chapter up today but this one one good.

Thoughts? (Don't forget to leave a vote and comment)

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