Chapter 7:Roses

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Garrett POV

So Homecoming is in a few days and I've been thinking if I should ask Kc or this girl named Keke you see I like them both and but Kc gets me and she's so funny, goofy, chill, cool, beautiful and just amazing. But Keke oh man Keke she's amazing as well just in words I can't describe. Ugh I'll ask Kehlani and Jay they'll know what to do.


So I'm hanging with Jay and Kehlani and they just won't stop talking about Homecoming.

"Kc you should run for Homecoming!" Jay suggested.

"Nah I'll pass. I don't even have a date." I said.

"So if you had one will you run?" Kehlani said. 

"I guess." I said as I opened my box of wings that my friend Carson got me. When I opened it my mouth dropped from the what was inside.

"Will you go to homecoming with me Kc" The note read then he came outside with roses and candy and things like that.

"Will you?" He said handing me the stuff. You see I would say yes but Kehlani use to date him and he cheated on her with that Amanda chick and I saw that Kehlani was kinda upset so I looked at Carson in the eyes and said.

"Sorry Carson but I can't after you cheated on my girl kehlani. I don't think so." I said handing him back the roses and stuff. He looked pretty sad and I'm not gonna lie I felt bad but lucky anyone was barely around to see it. So I hugged him for the proposal and the gifts that he let me keep and told him I'd find him a date. He smiled and walked away still looking kind of bummed out though.

"Thank you." Kehlani said hugging me.

"No problem. You guys are my girls I wouldn't do that to either one of you." I said as Jay joined in. After lunch we met up with Melo and them at our spot and they were still talking about Homecoming.

"So guys we need to find Kc a Homecoming date." Jay said.

"Why?" Eli asked.

"So she can run for Homecoming queen." Jay said.

"Bet that should be hard." Melo said.

"Y'all do to much." I said rolling my eyes as the bell rung.

Garrett POV

Great now I have to ask Kc. But what I do. We head to first period and as Melo and Damon are talking to the girls I hear Kehlani say she likes romantic things and that's when it hit me. I have to tell Kehlani and them.


After school Kehlani and Jay leave me to go hang with Garrett so I just ride home with Crystal and Katina. I go inside and Dashawn is taking a nap as usual and Jordan is play the game with Ant. My mom and dad are home but are still working I guess so I head to my room and start my homework when I get a text from Don.


Hey sorry me and Melo left you today we had to help Garrett with something but we'll be over later tonight to go over the list of boys we got for you.

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