Chapter 6: My First Vision

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I got my weird dream all right.

As soon as I crashed on my bed, I fell asleep.

Like legit "BAM!" And I was asleep.

I'm telling you, I probably broke the world record for the fastest sleeper in the whole entire universe or something. The only bad part was when I started to dream.

I saw a weird looking village or camp or something. With more than a dozen cabins and a huge pile of rocks that looked like the shape of a fist at the top of a mountain. There was a rock climbing area with lava pouring down, a huge forest extending further on. There was also campers everywhere wearing Orange T-shirts. Explaining everything would take forever, so let's just say, the thing was massive.

At the edge of the camp, I could see six figured racing towards the camp. As they got closer, I made out the faces of Chiron, Grover, Lynne, Blake, Arthur, and Charlotte. I could actually see Chiron is his centaur-y form, and instead of dark shoes, Grover trotted speedily with his hooves.

Honestly? I wasn't sure which version of them I want to see. Just makes my world a bit weirder, and I'm not even halfway through to learning, like, life yet.

Chasing my friends were a bunch of weird air spirits or something. If I wasn't a Son of Zeus, I never would have realised, but I sensed a form of air matter pursuing them. Not really sure.

'Hey!' I tried to help them, but I was dreaming, and I could barely move my dream self.

And that was when I realised I was a chicken.

'What the-' I looked down. I was a floating, chicken with a normal human head.

'Okay, not funny!' I yelled at the sky, trying to somehow speak to Carter in my sleep. 'I didn't call you a chicken man! What did I do to deserve this?'

I shouted and yelled, but when I got no answer, I gave up and just decided to stay a chicken man.

For now.

As I uncomfortably floated down to get a better view, I realised I had missed a lot of things. my friends were now surrounded by the air spirits. They started closing in.

'Come on. Do something!' I muttered as the spirits kept coming closer. I floated next to them, trying to get the air spirits attention, or my friends, but of course, I was in a dream, so they didn't notice or see me at all. 

'Why have you come to kill us?' I heard Chiron as I got closer.

'Because the high lord commands it.' I heard a raspy reply.

'Who is your leader?' Grover asked nervously. 'Did Kronos come back? Are the Giants regenerating? Was Gaea not completely destroyed?'

'I would suggest that Typhon has come back, with anemoi thuellai roaming the world now.' Chiron said, calmly drawing his bow. He didn't make any move to shoot the air spirits, but then again, they were made of air, so it kinda makes it a bit hard to do so. 

The air spirits laughed.

'What is rising matches even Gaea in power. He hates her just as much too. We followed the Great Mother, and now we follow the Great Father! The Lord has finally awakened, after a whole millennium! Nothing can stop us now, nothing!'

'What is he talking about?' Lynne asked.

Chiron shook his head, helpless. 'If the storm spirits aren't fighting for Typhon, the Giants, the Titans, or Gaea, then I have no idea what they are fighting for.'

Christopher Wildflight: #1 The Greek Egyptian (A PJO and related series FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now