
870 50 23

[ Him ; Her ; Narration ]

Sunday, 3:00 am

calling : kayden


"Hello, is Mrs. Walls there?"

"Hmmm, what?"

"Is Mrs. Walls there? I need to speak with Mrs. Walls."

"I'm Kayden, not Mrs. Walls."

"I need to speak with Mrs. Walls."

"There isn't a Mrs. Walls here."

"Then is Wally Walls there?"

"Emma, is this a prank or something?"

"I need to speak with Wally Walls."

"There's no Wally Walls. Who the heck names their child Wally Walls."

"Are there any Walls there?"


"Well then, what's holding up your shelter?"

"I hate you, Harper."

"Love you too."


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