Chapter 50

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Bella POV

The rest of the day was kinda boring. We just watched movies and ate. The guys finally came home at 5. They had Bags and Bags.

I knew most of the stuff wasn't even for me and Hayes. We ordered pizza. And just chilled for the rest if the night.


Bella POV

I woke up to all the guy hovering over my bed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all shouted. I groaned.

"It's to early." I whined.

"It's never to early for your birthday!" Cheered Aaron.

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed. I pulled my self out of bed.

"We made you and Hayes a special breakfast!" Said Nash.

All the guys guided me to a breakfast all ready made. It was cereal. I laughed and shook my head.

"They woke you up for this too." Said Hayes. I nodded and laughed. As stupid as these boys are. I love them all to death.

Taylor pulled me aside.

"Uh.. So Bella I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a umm.. Date.. tonight with me...for your birthday....if you want don't have too.." He stuttered. It was the cutest.

"I would love to." I said smiling.

"Okay. We will leave at about 7?" He asked.

"Sounds good." He walked away.

Am I going on a date with Taylor?

What if Matts mad?

I pushed all the questions out of my head. I was to happy. Was I falling for Taylor?

I went up stairs and decided to get ready. I showered and straightened my hair. It actually didn't look bad! I wore a navy blue Hollister dress with blue flip-flops.

It was now 6:45. Wow I took a long time. I walked downstairs.

"Wow. You look fancy. Where are you going?" Said Hayes winking at me.

"Out...with Taylor." I said with a big smile. I feel like he could sense my happiness.

"Well have fun." He said hugging me and going upstairs.

I went into the kitchen and got a bottle of water. Matt walked in. I hadn't really planned on telling him about the date but I mean were not dating so it doesn't matter.

"I thought you liked me?" He said breaking the awkward silence.

"Huh?" I said pretended like I didn't understand him, but I did understand him.

"Me and you. We were dating. We kissed. I thought you liked me.." He said trailing off.

"You broke up with me." I said reminding him. "And I never said I didn't like you." I said and it was the truth. I think I might have feelings for both Taylor and Matt.

Before Matt could reply Taylor walked in.

"You ready?" He said smirking at me.

"Yes." I said waving goodbye to Matt. Glad that conversation is over. Now to focus on a great night with Taylor!

Date with Taylor!

Anyone feel bad for Matt ):


Who is a better couple?

Taylor and Bella?


Matt and Bella?

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