Dgm x tg Chapter 3

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"Cool." Tatsu said while walking half way to the door of the restaurant, but she then remembered Kanda and walked back over to him and started staring at him.

Nanami had to drag Tatsu to the restaurant because she wanted to be next to Kanda 24/7, but Kanda wouldn't let Tatsu near him.

They sat on a table with just enough room for all of them. Kanda, Tatsu and Nanami on one side, and on the other, Kan-ed- I mean Kaneki, (I should stop...) Lavi, Allen and Bookman.

"Oh! We forgot to introduce ourselves! Lavi, Kanda, I assume you know Tatsu. But my name is Nanami, I'm Tatsu's younger sister!" Nanami introduced herself.
"Tatsu," Nanami whispered to Tatsu "introduce yourself , Bookman doesn't know you."

"Uh... I'm Tatsu." Tatsu somewhat introduced not taking her gaze of Kanda

While they were waiting to order, Tatsu just kept staring at Kanda.

Tatsu's POV

I was staring at Kanda when I heard Bookman whisper to Lavi, so I decided to listen.

"Keep a close eye on them, we need to know how they know so much about us. No one knew where they came from but they just appeared in Anteiku. Remember they're not your friends, just keep a close eye on them." I found it very hard to understand what they were saying but I heard enough to know what he meant.

I stood up and looked over to Nanami "I'm going to the bathroom, Nanami you're coming."

"I am?" She looked at me confused.

"Yes." I said while grabbing her hand and dragging her over to the bathroom.

Once we arrived at the bathroom I made sure no one else was there and to our luck, no one was there.

"I heard Bookman whisper to Lavi something about keeping an eye on us. He wants to know how we know about them, should we tell them?" I asked.

"No, let's just pretend we didn't hear them for now." Nanami sighed.

"Okay." I said walking out of the bathroom.

When we came back the food was there but I spent most my time looking at Kanda's beautiful face. In the end I only had a few spoonfuls before it got cold. Deciding not to waste any, I gave it to Allen. Well... I more 'threw' it at him then 'gave' it to him.

Nanami was talking with beansprout, Lavi and Kan-edgy, so I decided to listen in.

It was pretty much just Nanami asking questions and them asking her questions so I was about to go back to looking at Kanda's wonderful face , when I heard Lavi say something I was hoping we wouldn't have to hear for a while...

3rd person POV

"Hey Nanami?" Lavi asked


"How did you know all of our names and everything about us?" Nanami's and Tatsu's face paled after hearing Lavi's question.

'What will his reaction be if we told him...' Nanami was panicking 'I know I'd be shocked if I was told I was from and anime... Actually... I'd be quite happy to hear that! But I don't know if they're that much of a fan of anime...'

Nanami looked over to her sister to see if she knew what to say, but she just looked as worried as she did.

Nanami and Tatsu just stared at each other until Lavi spoke.

Nanami and Tatsu get sucked into different animes/crossoversWhere stories live. Discover now