Dgm x tg Chapter 2

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"Oh well uhh...we know nothing... yeah..." Tatsu said clearly lying.

"If you don't tell us I won't hesitate in killing you." Touka said in an even more threatening voice.

"WellyournameisToukaandyourallghouls and and.... I lied his names not Paul..." Nanami stammered, they were barely able to make out what Nanami was saying.

"BEANSPROUT! HIS NAME IS BEANSPROUT!" Tatsu shouted pointing to Allen.

"MY NAME IS ALLEN!" Allen shouted back.


"He's a what now?" Allen asked.

"Wait! IS KANDA HERE AS WELL?" Tatsu questioned while shouting. They all nodded hesitantly.

"GET HIM! I NEED HIM!" Tatsu demanded. Nanami walked up to Allen and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Allen... you're an octopus..." Nanami said and then along with Tatsu burst
into laughter. Everyone looked confused except Allen, he was glaring at nothing in particular.

"Anyway, where is Kanda?" Tatsu asked

"Kaneki, take Tatsu to Kanda. I have a feeling she's not gonna shut up." Touka instructed angrily.
Kaneki walked out of the room with Tatsu. They then heard Tatsu shout 'HIDE' and a big crash.

"So you can either keep our secret or die!" Touka threatened.

"Hm.. that's a hard choice... I think I'll... die. I'm just kidding I'll keep it... geez" Nanami joked "also...."

"What!?" Touka questions impatiently

"Well... Tatsu may or may not be slightly obsessed with your brother..." Nanami said in a very low voice.

"My brother? You mean Ayato?" Touka asked confused as to why she one who her brother was.

Nanami just nodded awkwardly.

"Arghh well okay..." Touka said angrily.

"Can I go?" Nanami asked.

"Fine. But if you tell anyone... you're dead." Touka threatened.

"Yeah, yeah... you don't need to explain it again." Nanami said walking out. She walked out the door and bumped into someone with white hair who was dancing and singing.

Nanami's POV*

"Oh... I'm sorry.." I said until I realised who it was. White hair, childish personality, red clips, red eyes.....(NANAMI , I think you forgot to mention psychopath)

"Juuzou?" I accidentally said out loud.

"Thats my name!" Juuzou stated happily swinging back and forward not even questioning how I knew his name.

"Hey can I-" I began.

"Sure!" Juuzou said.

"I didn't even finish"

"Well whatever it is you can!"

"Can I see your stitches?" I said taking his hand. "They're cool!"

"Want some?!" He asked hopefully.

"No it'll hurt" I knew that having a needle stabbing multiple holes in your skin was bound to be painful.

"It doesn't hurt that much, I promise!" He says grabbing my arm and dragging me. "Follow me!"

Me and juuzou arrived at an apartment and he dragged me in. He took out green thread and a needle.

*time skip brought to you by Yu-chan* *dies because Kanda stabbed me*

Juuzou finished stiching my arm, he didn't do my neck or face because it would hurt to much... because unlike him I can feel pain.

"Um... I better go..." I said walking to the door.

"Aww..." Juuzou said pouting.

"Um... can you show me show me where this apartment is please?" I asked showing him the apartment key that was in my pocket when we arrived here.

"Sure thing!" Juuzou agreed opening the door and skipping out.

*Um... another time skip because soba noodles....*

When we arrived at the apartments I saw my sister with two other people but I payed little attention to them and ran to my older sister giving her a big hug.

"Ew... hugs..." Tatsu said pushing me onto the ground.

3rd person POV*

Tatsu suddenly felt someone hugging her.

"Ew... hugs..." Tatsu said pushing them away and then Tatsu saw Nanami and noticed her hand was stitched. "What happened to your hand?" Tatsu asked Nanami.

"Juuzou did it!" Nanami said happily pointing behind her but nothing was there. " huh..? Where'd he go? Anyways, where is Kan-edgy?"

"Oh, he grabbed Hide and ran off...WHEN I SEE HIM HE'S DEAD, NO ONE TAKES MY HIDE FROM ME!" Tatsu shouted making a fist. "But I have Kanda now!" Tatsu said hugging Kanda, immediately getting pushed away.

"Oh! Hey Yu-chan, hey Lavi!" Nanami greeted getting up off the ground and wiping herself clean of dust.

Tatsu kicked Nanami back on the ground for calling Kanda 'Yu-chan'.

"Tch, brat." Kanda said angrily.

"Hey... meanie." Nanami complained getting up off the floor again.

"Never call him that again!" Tatsu said glaring daggers into her.

"Why are you all meanies? You're not a meanie right Lavi?" Nanami asked walking over to Lavi and looking hopefully at him.

"Nahh Yu is probably just like this because Tatsu is obsessed with him..." Lavi said receiving a kick to the ground by Tatsu.

"Puft, what do you mean 'obsessed' I'm not obsessed... no way..." Tatsu said receiving unimpressed looks by all of them.

"I'm hungry...." Nanami mumbled "can we get food? PLEASE!?"


"NO!" Kanda replied.

"PLEASE!" Tatsu begged.

"NO!" Kanda repeated.

"Let's just get food!" Lavi said.

"Yeah!" Nanami said not wanting her sister and Kanda to argue anymore but also not wanting to break her sister's heart (if she even has one....).
"Okay... fine..." Tatsu said sadly.

* time skip brought to you by Kan-edgy and his fabulous nails *

They all went to a restaurant where they met up with beansp- I mean Allen, Bookman and Kan-edg- I mean Kaneki.

"I think Beansprout should pay because he's gonna eat the most!" Tatsu suggested.

"Fine. AND MY NAME'S ALLEN!" Allen replied.

"Shut up, Walker. Wait, what's Kan-edgy gonna have?" Tatsu asked.

"I don't need anything I already ate." Kan-edg- I mean Kaneki said.

MOOOO134: hey wanna see my neko?

Xeeten: yeah sure I wanna see your cat

MOOOO134: no I mean do you can't to see my neck-

Both of them: OHH!!!

... ...why!? Why did we put this here!? Why does this even exist?!

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