Dgm x tg Chapter 1

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3rd person POV
(This took long to write 'cause xeeten and MOOOO134 were laughing way too much)

Nanami and Tatsu were being idiots again, they were giving each other piggybacks until they fell and then started jumping on the hotel beds. They had a room to themselves because they were too loud for their parents. They fell onto the beds laughing. Tatsu then noticed her D gray man and Tokyo ghoul manga.

"Hmmm... I wonder what would a D gray man and Tokyo ghoul crossover would be like." Tatsu wondered out loud.

"WELL KANEKI, or should I say... Kan-edgy... WOULD BE FRIENDS WITH ALLEN!" Nanami shouted while rolling off the bed... CRASH! Nanami fell onto a lamp that Tatsu threw on the ground after getting angry that the internet had stopped working due to a storm.

"Lavi and Hide would probably get along amazing." Tatsu stated while laughing because of Nanami falling.

"STOP LAUGHING AT ME! IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Nanami pouted while climbing back onto the bed. "I hurt myself..."

"Puft, it can't be that bad." Tatsu said jokingly.

"If you don't stop I'll... uhh I'll... I'll DRINK YOUR DOCTOR PEPPER!"

"I dare you!" Tatsu dared in a threatening voice.

"Fine then. I will." Nanami walked over to the doctor pepper. She took a big sup and looked back at Tatsu only to see her glaring at her almost as if she's looking right through her. "Eep!" Nanami screamed running into the bathroom and closing the door right after her. Tatsu walked over to the bathroom door kicking it open. Tatsu was about to punch Nanami when suddenly the room lit up and there was a huge bang of thunder. It blinded them for a few seconds but once their vision came back they saw... wait... is that...? "ANTEIKU!" They screamed in sync while passers-byers looked at them with confused looks. They both rushed inside.

"How did we get here?" Tatsu asked dumbfounded.

"I-i have no idea..." Nanami said gaping at her surroundings.

"Welcome" a blue haired girl sa- wait... that's "Touka..?" the two confused sisters whispered.

"Wait, you still drank my doctor pepper." Tatsu growled glaring at Nanami. Tatsu ran at Nanami getting ready to punch her. They were running around the cafe, ducking under tables and jumping over chairs. Everyone at Anteiku stared not knowing what to do until two white haired guys grabbed them.

"LET GO OF ME!" Tatsu shouted kicking behind her.

"DON'T LET GO OF HER!" Nanami screamed.

Tatsu gave up struggling and noticed who was holding Nanami.


"LOOK BEHIND YOU! IT'S BEANSPROUT!" Nanami shouted back.

Tatsu looked back to see an unimpressed Allen.

"MY NAME IS ALLEN!" Allen shouted.

"WELL EITHER WAY KANDA'S BETTER!" Tatsu shouted kicking Allen in the stomach and breaking free from his grasp.

"And my name's Kaneki..." Kaneki mumbles under his breath.

Tatsu then kicked Nanami knocking Kaneki onto the ground from the impact. "Never steal my doctor pepper." Tatsu warned glaring at Nanami.

"Would you like to take a seat and order something?" Touka asked politely, clearly trying to calm them down. They nodded and while Nanami sat down Tatsu took a seat... literally. Then she realised that's not what Touka meant and sat down opposite Nanami.

"Okay, what would you like to order?" Touka asked with a notebook and a pen in hand.

"Sandwiches." Nanami replied.

"No." Tatsu said.





Tatsu got up to punch Nanami 'till the door opened to reveal Hide.

"Stay calm Tatsu, Don't fangirl, Keep your sanity...." Nanami tried to calm Tatsu.

Tatsu walked up and was about to say 'hi' until she just froze on the spot. Nanami facepalmed.

Tatsu grabbed Hide's arm and ran out of the cafe.

"HIDE!" Kaneki shouts and runs after them.

Touka came up to Nanami with a questioning expression.

"Earlier on, how did you know my name?" She asked.

"Puft, no I don't heh.... heh..." Nanami tried to cover up but it was blindly obvious she was lying.
Touka looked at her unimpressed.

"THAT'S PAUL!" Nanami shouted pointing at Nishiki. "Not Nishiki... no.... it's Paul..." Nanami mumbled.

Kaneki came in with a tight grip on Tatsu's arm.

"You're not ghouls... no...you're human.... what even is a ghoul..?" Nanami stupidly kept on rambling on making things worse.

They dragged them into the staff only room. When they got in Tatsu bit Kaneki making him let go of her. She went to run out of the room to get to Hide but Touka blocked the way. Then Touka locked the door.

"What do you guys know?" She asked threateningly.

authors' notes are boring and no one very really reads them so... we'll save you from boredom, because being bored is boring.

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