Diabolik Lovers Chapter 3

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Nanami's POV

I woke up and realised I still had my cat ear hair band on my head so I took them off. "Long Cats..." I mumbled for no reason rubbing my eyes. I threw the blankets off me and rolled off the bed. I layed on the ground for a while when I heared someone in the room.  I looked up to see Reiji putting clothes on my bed.

"Get dressed and come downstairs when you are done." He said and disappeared.

"Huh?" I got up confused. 'This is a school uniform , why did he give me one?' I thought picking the uniform up. It was a white shirt , red bow , a blazer , a skirt and some knee high socks. There was no way that I was going to wear a skirt without tights... I got dressed in everything that was given to me but kept my black jeans on under the skirt and wore my black converse because those were the only shoes I had. I picked up my cat ear hair band up from my dresser and put it on my head. The bow was a disaster , I couldn't put it on so I threw it at the wall because I was so frustrated. I made my bed and grabbed the red bow. Maybe Tatsu would know how to put it on...I thought. I walked out of my room and went to go find Tatsu's room.

Tatsu's POV

I woke up on the floor again, still wearing Laito's coat. I stood up and noticed it was still dark outside though it was somehow dimly lit in my room. I crawled under the four poster bed to get darkness. I was about to go asleep again but my door slammed open.

"LEAVE ME ALONE AND GO DRINK SOME COKE!" I shouted out of pure anger and tiredness.

"Shut up! Get dressed and come down when you're ready, Little Miss Edgy!" I recognised the voice of the extreme idiot, Ayato as he slammed the door and walked out. I crawled out from under the bed to see some sort of uniform thrown on the floor. As soon as I saw the skirt I knew I wasn't wearing it. I stormed out of my room to a room where they were all waiting.

"I. Am. Not. Wearing. A. Skirt. Idiot's!" I growled trying to stay under control and not shout.

"What else are you supposed to wear idiot" Ayato said angrily.

"I'll just wear the clothes I'm wearing now!" I shouted.

"It is required to wear a school uniform." Reiji , the know-it-all stated pushing up his glasses. I stormed into the bedroom closest to me and grabbed one of their spare uniform pants.

"Is there any scissors?!" I shouted impatiently.

"Why do you want scissors?!" The idiotic Ayato asked angrily.

"So I can shorten these pants!" I said showing him the pants I was holding.

"So that's where they were..." Shuu said lazily. I went into the kitchen and searched through the drawers until I found a pair of scissors. I went back to my room and really badly cut the pants. In the end they ended up with strings sticking out and very unevenly cut with sharp edges. I got dressed and walked in with the skirt in my hand.

"Well I can't wear it if it's burnt." I said throwing it into the fireplace."why are we even in a school uniform!"

"I thought you would have figured it out by now." Reiji said "we are going to school."

"Its the middle of the night!" I protested.

"Its night school. I know you humans are used to going to school in the day but we are not humans." Reiji told me.

"Lets just go already!" Ayato complained.

"I dont want to go school..." I heard Nanami wine.

"Im not going!" I said with a 'hmpf' action.

" Have you forgotten? You are our prey , nothing more. You have no right to refuse." Reiji said walking out the door and into a limo.

"FIGHT ME!" I challenged him getting into a fighting stance.

"No." he said bluntly. Everyone got into the limo after him so I went in too. I sat in the corner and watched the annoying idiot, Ayato annoy my sister.

Nanamis POV

'Everyone is so silent... it's weird.' I thought sighing.

"What are you thinking about , kitten?" Ayato asked me.

"Oh um..." I said awkwardly. "Im thinking about... how you should call me by my name..."

"Yours Truely can call you whatever he wants to call you." he said getting closer to me making me move back.

"Um.. Ayato im gonna fall off th-" I started before getting cut off by him licking me.

"Ayato I dont want to have to say this again , please take you activitys to your private room." Reiji said. Ayato then backed off again making a 'hmpf' noise. I looked over to see that Tatsu had fallen asleep.

A few minutes later Ayato started poking Tatsu just to annoy her. After about twenty pokes Tatsus eyes shot open and she bit his finger.

"Tatsu, Ayato, I dont want to say it again!" Reiji warned.

"Why should I listen to you!" Tatsu challenged. Before Reiji could respond the limo came to an abrupt stop.

Reiji sighed. "Let's go." Everyone went out of the car one by one, no one fighting, until Tatsu and Ayato started shouldering each other while they tried to get out of the car at the same time. After a few minutes of impatience Nanami reluctantly poked both of them on the back.

"We're going to be late. . ." Nanami whispered because both Ayato and Tatsu were glaring threateningly at her. They both growled and went out of the car, Ayato first then Tatsu, followed by a frightened Nanami.

"What class do we go to?!" Tatsu asked impatiently. Ayato just grabbed Tatsu's hand roughly and started dragging her with him, followed by Laito and Kanato. "Let me go idiot!" Tatsu demanded, side-kicking Ayato in the ribs. Ayato let her go, flinging her into the wall. Tatsu stomped closer to Ayato, ready to attack him, when she was stopped by Laito.

"Now, now. That frown doesn't look good on you. How about a smile?" He edged his face glower to hers.

"Teddy said I should bring you to the classroom." Kanato smiled weirdly at Tatsu, pushing Laito away.

Still angry, Tatsu spat "I don't care what 'Teddy' says! Let's just go!" Kanato looked hurt but at the same time not.

"Fine then." He mumbled and then started walking in the direction of, what Tatsu assumed, their classroom.

Back with Nanami

Nanami stood there confused watching her sister leave. She knew that she'd be in a different class then Tatsu because of the age difference but she wasn't really okay with it. She hoped that the teacher would be alright. . . The poor thing, having to teach two people like Tatsu and Ayato, especially because they would be together.

Nanami stood staring in the direction where Tatsu had just went when someone spoke beside her. "Come with me." The Voice said angrily. She turned to her left to see Subaru beside her.

Nanami looked up at him. She didn't know the ages of any of the Sakamaki brothers but she would have at least thought Subaru would have been older than her. "Oh, Okay." Nanami followed him down the hallway, presumably in the direction of their classroom. She noticed Shu and Reiji walking in another direction. They must be in the same class she thought.

Thank you for reading. Byeee.

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