Diabolik lovers chapter 2

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Tatsu's POV

The stupid idiot Ayato was bringing me to my room, because Reiji thought it would be a good idea.

"Walk faster!" I said just to make him feel like he's slow.

"Stop complaining idiot!" He growled.

"Well you seem to be complaining that I'm complaining!" I growled back. Then Ayato stopped, opened a door then pushed me in. "Don't just push me arou-" I was cut off by Ayato pinning me to the wall.

"Grr.. I'm sick of your attitude!" Ayato snarled as he neared my neck.

"W-what're you doing!?" I said as I tried to push him off but I gotta admit, he was strong. Then I felt a sharp pain in my neck as if someone just stabbed four small knives into my neck. Then I looked down to see that he was biting me! "Stop! Weirdo!" I shouted then kicked him in the stomach making him rip off skin as he got kicked back. I then immediately punched him which failed because he grabbed my fist and twisted it.

"How dare you push me away even though your rightfully mine!" He half shouted half snarled.

"I AM NOT 'YOURS'" I shouted really loud... the whole mansion probably heard. I put a hand over the bit he bit to stop the bleeding. I then took out a pen knife and pushed the idiot against a wall. I then cut half his sleeve off, which to be honest he didn't really care that much. I used the cloth of his sleeve to clean the wound and stop it from bleeding. "NOW CAN YOU LEAVE?!" I shouted probably deafening him.

"Grrr.. fine but I'll be back tomorrow!" He warned.

Nanami's POV

"Maybe I could cure you boredom , bitch-chan~" I heard someone say from behind me.

"Huh?" I said confused. I turned around to see Laito , the weird guy who licked my sister. "Oh.. hello?" I greeted him awkwardly.

"Hello , bitch-chan." He smirked.

"I'm a bitch?" I asked. That's kinda rude...

"Mhm." He said walking closer to me his smirk getting bigger.

"Um..." I said awkwardly a he got closer to me. Suddenly he grabbed my hand and pushed me against the wall. It was so fast and unexpecting I didn't even have time to react. He lowered his head and suddenly bit into my neck. "O-ow!" I winced in pain. I tried pushing him off of me but his grip was way to tight. "Stop..." I whispered getting light headed. Suddenly I heard people outside my bedroom door and then I headed Tatsu's voice. I tried calling for her but suddenly all I could see was blackness and the last thing I heard was 'good night bitch-chan~'.

Tatsu's POV

I was sitting on my bed for a while trying to understand what just happened. I was bored so I decided to look for my bag that supposedly went to my room, WHICH THEY LIED, IT DIDNT!

"Well I guess I'm gonna have to ask that annoying smart guy where it is..." I sighed and got off the bed and then collapsed because I was tired. I laid there for a few minutes closing my eyes till I heard the door open. "Go away, I'm tired." I complained without even checking who it was. I opened one eye to see the white haired idiot, Subaru standing in the doorway. "Oh hello, last time I checked I don't have a drivers license so I don't need you, bye..." I said curling up in a ball on the floor and trying to sleep but just knowing that someone's watching me makes me feel weird.

"TATSU!" I heard Nanami shout not that far away.

"Ugh..." I said getting up only to be pushed against a wall by Subaru. "Oh by the way... do you know where my bag is... probably not but just aski-" I was cut off as he suddenly sunk his teeth into my flesh. So then I did something stupid... I licked his ear. He shuddered then pulled away giving me a 'What the hell!?' look. "So... you drink my blood... I lick your ear... and you look at me like I'm on drugs or something... YOU STARTED IT! Anyway bye my sister can't live life on her own I gotta go help her..." I said walking out of the room leaving him looking shocked.

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