Diabolik lovers chapter 1

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3rd person POV

Nanami and Tatsu were freaking out as they were in the middle of watching 'The Clowntergiest' when the electricity went out. Nanami was scared that they were gonna get killed by a clown and Tatsu was annoyed because she found the movie funny.

"Let's just call a taxi or something to bring us into town to get...stuff." Tatsu said in an annoyed tone. "It's better then just sitting around in the dark."

"Okay..." Nanami agreed. Tatsu took out her phone and slowly typed in her password to annoy Nanami. "Hurry up!" Nanami shouted, panicking. Tatsu eventually called a taxi after what felt like forever for Nanami... it was only like thirty seconds though.

"Okay the taxi is on its way." Tatsu said sitting down with a book and using a torch to see.  Nanami kept walking in circles trying to get her mind off the fact that a clown could just come out and stab them in the heart... well Tatsu doesn't have one so it wouldn't make a difference for her anyway.

"The taxi's here." Tatsu said getting up, putting her book down and picking up a bag that had stuff in it like her money, earphones, a book and her phone. They opened the door and saw a black taxi outside.

"is that our taxi?" Nanami questioned.

"Sure why not," Tatsu said walking over to the taxi  and getting in, Nanami following behind. "Town please." She told the  driver in the front. The driver didn't answer and just started the engine. The taxi was silent for most of it but they were definitely not going to town anyway.

"We've been in the car for like forty five minutes by now!" Tatsu shouted in impatience. The driver didn't answer, almost as if he didn't hear her, though Tatsu's shouting could be heard half way across the globe.

"Are you ignoring me!? I just want to go to tow-" Tatsu was cut off by the taxi dramatically stopping. Tatsu and Nanami looked out the tinted windows. They saw a mansion with a large gate. The man who was driving got out and opened the door for them. "Hey! This isn't town!!" Tatsu shouted getting out of the car and started glaring at the driver. Nanami got out of the car and stood a bit behind Tatsu.

'Where are we!?' Nanami panicked hiding behind Tatsu. She was still a bit afraid from the movie.

"Well... we're sorta in the middle of nowhere so we may as well go to the kickass mansion there." Tatsu said walking towards the gates, she kicked the gate because it wouldn't open. She then stupidly climbed the gate and fell off the other side. Nanami was smart and pushed the gate open instead of pulling like Tatsu did.

"So... will we just walk in or...?" Nanami asked.

"I don't know." Tatsu answered walking up the sort of lane thingamajigger. Tatsu walked up to the door and knocked very loudly. No one answered so she knocked again. "I don't think anyone is inside.." Tatsu said knocking one more time, this time the door opened by itself but no one was on the other side.

"They must have left their door open when they left." Nanami said standing next to Tatsu. Tatsu walked inside only to be pulled back by Nanami. "You can't just walk into someone's house!" Nanami shouted at Tatsu.

"Well if they left their door open they can't expect people not to walk in!" Tatsu said dragging Nanami in with her. They both just stood inside the entrance room until they heard something shifting in the room next to them. "Well someone is here... so I guess we could ask them for the directions to town..." Tatsu said walking into the room they heard the noise come from. When they walked in they saw a red haired guy lying on the couch. It looked as if he wasn't breathing and he was very pale.

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