Diabolik Lovers Chapter 4

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Tatsu's POV

I walked into the class and sat as far away from Ayato as possible. Though that didn't stop us from glaring at each other every three seconds. We were doing math when I got bored and ripped out a page, made a paper aeroplane and threw it at Ayato. The expression on his face was priceless.

He glared intensely at me and mouthed the words 'you're on'. We started throwing paper balls, paper aeroplanes and rubber bands at each other. The teacher was completely oblivious until all of the other pupils' attention was on us and not at the teacher.

I then decided that I wanted to win so I took out one of my trusty throwing knives out of my bag. I hid it under the table until I took it out, threw it swiftly and got Ayato in the arm. Ayato winced in pain and gasps of shock spread around the room. The teacher noticed everyone's expression and followed their gaze to Ayato's arm.

Ayato pulled the throwing knife out of his arm and stood up. He walked over to Tatsu and was about to stab her with the throwing knife that was previously in his arm when the teacher shouted at the both of them. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" She screamed "AYATO, GO TO THE INFIRMARY RIGHT NOW! And you," the teacher stared angrily at Tatsu "go to the principles office right now!"

"Can't make me!" Tatsu said jumping over her table and grabbing the throwing knife off of Ayato and running out of the room faster then lightning.

Nanami's POV

I was sitting in my classroom trying to listen to the teacher but I wasn't able. I kept on thinking about how Tatsu was doing. With any luck only one person in the class ended up dead. Subaru was sitting a few rows ahead of me in the classroom so I couldn't talk to him. Instead I was paired up with someone I didn't know for group work.

Without even noticing, class was over and it was lunchtime. I finished the last bit of my work and was about to get up when Subaru came over. "Let's go." Was all he said before continuing to walk outside of the classroom. I just followed him without questioning.

Tatsu's POV

I ran down the halls really fast but of course corners hate me and turning the corner I bumped into a certain car. "Tatsu!? Are you okay? Did anyone die? Where's Ayato? When is the funeral? Are w-" Nanami started freaking out But was stopped by The Car by putting his hand over her mouth.

I turned around and saw the teacher along with Ayato and another person, running at me.

"Bye!" I said jumping right over them just like Will Smith. I ran down the hall till I definitely had a few seconds and took out my throwing knife. Stupidly I didn't grab the rest before running out of the classroom so I was stuck with one. I ran down the hall and noticed a group of people swarming around someone near the entrance. They were blocking me was so I couldn't get passed. Looking over my shoulder I saw the angry face of Ayato and the teacher and a surprisingly unemotional expression on the other person's face. With no other choice, I pushed everyone out'a ma way.

Sadly all miracles had to come to an end and I was too out of breath to run. I got to the middle of the swarm of people and came face-to-face with the person they were surrounding. I didn't even care what he looked like and just pushed my way through the crowed to get out of this hell called 'school'. I ran out of the school only to find Ayato and the teacher cross armed. I went to go back into the school but the crowd was too much. Suddenly my hands were held tightly behind my back on I was being pushed inside the school.

"Let me go!" I struggled but just heard Ayato snicker behind me. Growling I tried kicking behind me only to hit noting but air. Ayato was teleported in front of me and it was then that I noticed we were inside the principal's office. "Oh hey mr. Principal man... Ayato kidnapped me and that's why I stabbed him, and y'know my sister is probably blind to life without me so can I go?" I said really fast. The principal just gave me a look signalling that I would be in this office for a while.

Nanami's POV

Subaru took his hand off of my mouth after watching Ayato and two other people run after my sister. "I-I should go after her." I whispered, but I was stopped by Subaru.

"If you get killed it's for some reason my fault and then Reiji will make my life even more a living hell then it already is." He growled.

"Oh, Okay then." I said looking up at his frightening face. We walked down the hall and went into a room. I assumed it to be the lunchroom. It was completely full with people and they were all shouting rather then talking. We took a seat a the only free table and I looked down. "D'you think Tatsu's going to be okay?" I asked.

"Well if she isn't it's none of my concern, Ayato was stupidly left in charge of her."

Subaru had no food and he seemed kind of bored watching me eat. "Are you not going to have anything to eat or drink?" I asked taking a bite out of my butter and cucumber sandwich.

"No." He said bluntly.

I wasn't near the end of my sandwich and he looked super bored. "If you want you can go," I suggested "I won't be done for a bit and you seem kind'a bored. I'm sure I will be able to find my way to the class room. I think I remember."

"Okay." He said standing up. "But if you die it's my fault. So don't die." Subaru just walked off then.

                                                                              -~=+ five minutes later +=~-

I was done my sandwich and the bell rang so I walked down the hall where we came from and instantly forgot where to go.  I was always the worst for remembering stuff. I kept walking down the hall when I realised I was going in the completely wrong direction. I sighed and noticed a door. It looked older then the other doors in the school for some reason. Above it was a sign that said 'Principal's office'. Maybe I can ask the Principal where my class is I thought. I stood outside for a while gathering the courage and then I opened the door. What was in front of me was just. . . It was just. . . Tatsu was beating up Ayato while the principal tried to stop her. 

"T-Tatsu!!!" I shouted. All of them turned to me, Tatsu had a glare that could seriously kill someone until she realised it was me. I ran over to her and started hugging her mumbling "thankgidyoureokayithoughtyoudiedSubardidintcarebutiwassoworriedareyouok-" I couldn't finish what I was about to say before she kicked me halfway across the room.

Then the Principal coughed to get out attention. "And who might you be?" He asked looking at me. I stood up from the place I was kicked to and turned towards the Principal.

"I'm so sorry for barging in like that." I apologised "I was coming in here to get directions to my class. I'm sorry for disturbing you. I'll go now." I started walking to the door but the Pricipal's voice stopped me.

"Stay." He commanded me. I just nodded my head and stayed in the same place.
"Now Tatsu, what gave you the right to stab another student?"

"Hmpf! He started it!" Tatsu said like two siblings fighting.

"You started throwing paper aeroplanes at me!"

"And you kidnapped me!"

"No reiji did!"

"No you did!"

"Did not"



"Quiet both of you! Whatever happens out of school is none of my concern!" The principal shouted.

It went on like that for an hour or so till the principal decided to suspend Ayato for a month and expell Tatsu.

(A/N) heyyaaaaa

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