Dear Emmett

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I remember seeing him for the first time like it was yesterday.

The memory is clear in my mind, one I knew I'd never be able to forget. He was standing across the fire from me, clutching a half empty beer bottle in his hand. He was talking to some blonde girl who seemed to be talking his ear off. He looked bored.

I was drawn to him instantly. There was something about him that attracted me. Something I couldn't quite put my finger on. Something that I just wanted.

Our eyes met, and my heart raced.

He held up a finger to the girl, cutting her off mid sentence and muttering some half hearted excuse to her. He walked over to me, and the girls eyes followed. She gave me a glare that I would never notice. Looking back, I wondered how I didn't know that he would be so life altering. That from that point on, nothing would be the same.

Now, standing in the handicap stall of the second floor girls bathroom, I waited for the test results. The little blue stick that would tell me everything. But I didn't need it. I already knew.

With shaking hands, I picked it up. Swallowing hard, I tried to keep my heart from beating out of my chest as I read the result. There it was, the answer that would change my life.


Dear EmmettWhere stories live. Discover now