Wedding announcement!

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This book is undergoing major editing, going through it I feel really embarrassed 🙈 but I have decided to start editing though the process will be really slow. NEW READERS CAN READ AT THEIR OWN RISK!!! But nevertheless I hope you will like it enough to read till the end, thank you for stoping by.


The room is filled with the ringing of a phone. Salmah groaned from under the covers annoyed with the caller for disturbing her sleep, begrudgingly picking the phone and putting it to her ear without speaking a word knowing who is on the other side.

'Hello babes...'echoed from the other end.
'oooooh! how can you be so energetic this early in the morning Amal?" Salmah whined into the phone.

'Okey ,okey am just overly excited my grumpy friend.' replied Amal .

"And what are you excited about if I might ask dearest friend?" Trying her best not to sound grumpy but failing miserably.

"Your sour mood won't do anything to dampen my happiness right now, so guess what! Ahmad's family are coming over tomorrow for gaisuwa Abba finally agreed, am getting married!!!" She shouted into the phone.

"Oh my gosh!" Salmah bounced up from the bed screaming, waking up the remaining sleeping people in the house hold. "I can't believe it! my best friend is getting married!!" she shouted, jumping up and down excitedly on her bed.

"Calm down calm down little one, "chuckled Amal, from the other side of the phone.
"Don't tell me to calm down girl am too excited to be calm,"Salmah  shouted back .

"Okey okey, just listen, you need to come over so we can make a list of things to prepare for the guest tomorrow even though ummah will take care of some but you really need to be here." Amal uttered in between breathes.

"Will be there soon"replied Salmah cutting the line without a proper good bye.

She quickly jumped into the toilet to take a quick bath thanking her self for the heater she turned on after subhi prayer ,which made it hundred times easier for her to have access to hot water without waiting for long.

At exactly 10:30 am Salmah  after taking a quick bath under 30 minutes, which is in record time and hurriedly getting dressed into a black abaya and covering with the veil,peering it with her flat Vincci and little makeup looking at the mirror, she admired her handy work  "not too bad Salmah "she muttered to her self, she rushed her breakfast bowl of cereal and was able to bid their house help,mama ladi who was the only person left in the house farewell explaining where she is going to in case someone asked since everyone knew she didn't have lectures that morning that's why no one bother to wake her up early considering her mother left earlier,having class in the university where she lectures with her younger ones who are to be dropped at their school and her dad is away for a business seminar somewhere in the country.

'Assalamu alaikum' salma said upon entering Amal's house.
'Wa alaikum assalam' answered Amal's mom who was dotted comfortably in a well furnished parlor.
Good morning ummah'.greeted Salmah .

'Morning Salmah,how are you? Replied Amal's mom
I am fine ummah, where is our amarya? 'She asked smiling.
'Hmmph, so she has already told you about it, children of this generation.' she replied teasingly.

'She is in her room go and meet her inside' she added.

"Amarya ta ango( bride of the groom )" she chanted into the room Amal jumped on her and they hugged each other rounding the room in a childish manner jumping up and down while clinging to each other .
It's okey please don't reduce my bride price before I even get to meet my price charming said Salmah trying to detach her self from her friend's crazy grip.
"Haba besty, am just so excited,aren't you?"
"Of course, I am. It is not every day your best friend gets married you know'.She said while sitting own the bed.
"I can't wait to start planning the wedding we are going to plan the wedding of the century".salma said excitedly.
"I know, but that's beside the point, I am finally getting married to the love of my life,"she sighed dreamily.
"Let's start planning !!!".

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