Can We Keep Him?

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/Rose's pov./

I wake up to see a red tie I smile and move a bit he looks at me. "Do you always wake before me?" I ask. "It's how I am." He says I smile. "Alright." I say sitting up I sigh he sits next to me. "Hey we should go on another walk today." I say. "You mean tonight?" He asks I giggle a bit. We do sleep until it's later. "Yeah I mean tonight." I say he nods. "Sure that would be fine." He says I smile. "Umm Slenderman?" I ask he looks at me. "Yes?" He asks. "Umm could you... you know..." I say gesturing to his face his mouth appears showing a smirk. "Oh you wanted this did you?" He asks I twirl my hair. "Just slightly." I say I look back to him and pull his tie so our lips meet he smirks in the kiss. Happy now? I hear in my mind. Very. I think as we continue. We soon part and I breath hard. "Satisfied?" He asks. "Very." I answer he smiles and gets up and to his desk. "You and working." I say. "Again it's how I am." He says. "I know." I say standing up and walking over to him. "So who's next on your list Santa Claus?" I ask he looks to me. "That's a new comparison." He says I laugh a bit. "A man that's in a group trying to prove I'm real." He answers. "Alright, hey can we go downstairs?" I ask. "Yes, I need to check the news anyway." He answers I smile and go to the door I run down the hall and jump down the stairs landing prefectly I run over and jump on the couch. He comes down and looks at me laying on the couch. "Be careful with the stairs please." He says. "Aww was you worried?" I ask he comes over. "Yes, you know I've grown fond of those stairs." He says I giggle. "Oh shut up." I say he chuckles. "Let me sit down." He says I look up at him and smirk. "Make me." I say childishly. "Alright." Is all he says before picking me up and sitting down laying me on his lap I smile. "This is more comfortable." I say. "I'm glad your happy." He says using a tentencle to grab the remote. He turns on the tv to the news. Everything was fine till they get to one report. "Last night the Woods family in town murdered the parents were found stabbed repeatedly with a smile carved into their faces. The older brother of the house hold Liu Woods was found stabbed repeatedly in the chest and the same carved smile he was in serious condition when found and was admitted to the hospital. Police say that the younger brother 13 year old Jeffery Woods was not found. They say that the only thing left was on the parents bedroom wall written in blood was the words. 'Go. To. Sleep.' Police are still looking for the young boy if anyone knows his location or has seen him please contact the police imedeintly." I stare at the screen for a bit. "Woah." I say. "Yes, that is something." Slenderman says. "How could a thirteen year old kill his family if he was the youngest?" I say. "I have not the slightest clue." He says. "But at least no ones talking about me." He says. "Yeah that's good." I say we stay there for a bit until I start getting a headache I hold my head. "Hungry?" Slenderman asks I nod. "Alright let's go." He says as he teleports to the edge of town. "I get to hunt?" I ask. "Yes." He says I smile and whisper. "Awesome!" I see a man walking near the woods I look to Slenderman and he nods I smile and run behind a tree as he walks into the woods I run and jump up onto a branch ahead of him before jumping down taking him down he cut his leg in the fall making it bleed my eyes turn crimson red as I sink my fangs into his neck soon he's dry and I get off him. "You don't seem to be out of practice." Slenderman says I smile at him and whipe my mouth. "Thanks." I say he nods he takes the body and teleports then teleports back. "Can we walk while we're out here?" I ask. "I don't see why not." He says I smile as we start walking. We've been walking for awhile when Slenderman stops. "What is it?" I ask. "Someone is near." He says I look around a bit but don't see anything I then start hearing faint laughter from a little bit always I walk over to a bush and look over it to see a teen in a white hoodie and black dress pants his hoodie stained in fresh blood. His hair a raven black and skin almost as white as Slenderman. He seems to be playing with a bloody knife. "Slenderman that has to be Jeffery Woods." I say he seems a bit distracted. "Slenderman?" I say he shakes his head. "Forgive me I was trying to get in his head. His mental state is gone it seems something in his mind snapped." He explains. "Slenderman... can we keep him?" I ask he looks at me. "No." He says. "Slenderman we can't leave him out here by himself. He's so young... He might be strong but with no shelter the police will find him or worse kill him we can't just leave him." I beg he looks back at the boy then sighs. "Fine." He says I smile. "Thank you!" I say. "Go ahead." He says I smile and step out of the bush the boy looks to me revealing wide blue eyes that would haunt a humans dreams and a wide carved smile he smiles wider seeing me and grips his knife. "Hey, we dont have to fight Jeffrey. I'm not turning you in or anything like that." I say he looks at me as I walk closer but he soon lunges at me I sigh. As I thought he won't be easy to get. I think as I dodge he swigs at me again almost hitting me that time next time he swigs I grab his hand and flip him I pin him down and look at him he laughs. "You good haha." He says I smile. "Your pretty good yourself." I say. "Now if you don't try to attack me you can meet a friend of mine." I say he looks at me for a bit before nodding. "Great!" I say standing up. "Come on." I say holding out my hand he takes it and I help him up. "Who's this friend of yours?" Jeffrey asks. "Slenderman come on out now." I say Slenderman teleported out next to me. "Cool." Jeffrey says looking at Slenderman. "Yes, it is." I say. "Jeffery Woods you murdered your family correct?" Slenderman asks Jeffery nods. "If you would like you may stay with us and you will become a Creepypasta." Slenderman says. "What's a Creepypasta?" Jeffery asks. "A Creepypasta is a type copypasta. A copypasta is a block of text that has been copied and pasted to many websites over and over again. Creepypasta is a version of copypasta that is a horror story. Most people think they are fiction but as I am one you can tell not all are." Slenderman explains. "Sooo I get to kill?" Jeffery asks. "Yes." Slenderman says. "I'm in." Jeff says. "Alright." Slenderman says he sends two tentacles out one wrapping around my waist and another around Jeffery's arm he then teleports us in the cabin living room. "You will stay here with us." Slenderman says. "Sweet." Jeffery says laying on the couch Slenderman sighs. "I'm Rose by the way." I say Jeffery looks at me. "Call me Jeff. Jeff The Killer." Jeff says I smile. "Sounds good Jeff." I say I walk over and move his feet and sit down next to him. "I will be in my room if you need me." Slenderman says. "Alright." I say turning on the tv as Slenderman leaves in hear his voice echo in my mind. Watch him.


Hiya Gamers! I hope you enjoyed this and the start of Jeff The Killer. I hope I explained Creepypasta right and in a way that made since. I searched what it was and wanted to use it but still in a way that they would be called that. So comment whatcha think of the book so far. Till next time...


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