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(Author Note: This story has been in my head for years. I have fanfiction writing to thank for breaking the writer's block. Hope you enjoy!) 

Testament of an Archangel


Kat Loveland - Author

Testament of an Archangel


Why is the beginning always the hardest? I have spent years debating the best way to start telling this story and none of the openings ever seemed adequate. Perhaps I will start with the cliché opening because it is the most efficient. Nothing you know is completely true, your Bibles, your records, your testaments, all a bit whitewashed and shifted to conform to a divine marketing plan. Sorry, but it's true. Who am I to speak such blasphemy? I am Remiel, one of the nine, not four, but nine Archangels. I, along with my brothers Raguel, Saraqael and Lucifer, were part of the divine restructuring plan that occurred. We made certain choices that made God, or Elohim as we called him, upset so he decided to remove our names from the books.

Ironically, you have to take it on faith that what I am saying is true. I am fully aware that I am asking you to take me on faith while telling you that what you have been taking on faith is wrong, hence the complications I have had starting this testament. Perhaps it is the prevalence of things I see on TV and in books scratching closer and closer to the truth that encouraged me to do this. It seems to me that perhaps humans are ready to listen, the Crusades and Inquisitions are long over, Rome has lost much of its political power. The fortunes of kings and countries no longer rise and fall with the Pope's decree.

You see, it was never supposed to be about God vs Lucifer. We never meant for whole doctrinal systems to be created about or around us. We were just doing a job really, creating worlds and galaxies. A family of beings created from the energy of the universe to organize it, provide structure and bring things to life. Then we had a family argument that no one wanted to give way on, Elohim insisted on creating things that worshiped him and only him, Lucifer disagreed and if you'll forgive the pun, all hell broke loose.

I remember when we first came to this planet. We had been spending years creating life elsewhere. Every world is different and we had to learn the best ways to go about building ecosystems, as they came to be called. We didn't manifest knowing how to build a human from dirt, there was a bit of a learning curve involved. Elohim was the only one of us that could actually bring things to life. He always had an arrogant streak about that. The rest of us worked out the design flaws on something, we'd bring it to him, he'd give it life and we would see how it did or did not work. The original plan for any planet, including this one that we went to was to create life in several forms; let it evolve on it's own for a while, come back around some time later, tinker with it if need be, see what had evolved and then move on. So to settle the evolution vs intelligent design vs creation debate once and for all, all of you are correct.

There was never a “divine plan” other than to get things created, make sure planets didn't collide with each other when they weren't supposed to and keep things in harmony. We came to this planet, saw that it had a lot of the basics needed for an immense diversity of life to be put here so it became one of our favorite testing grounds for new ideas.

We decided to really see just how far assisted evolution could go. We started with all those single celled things and dropped by at regular intervals to see how things were going. We'd add new things to the mix, watch and learn. Not all of our designs were perfect and evolution did take some weird turns, we are fully responsible for some things though. The platypus and the T-rex, neither one makes any sense really. Who, in their right mind would create a huge reptilian predator with massive legs and jaws and incredibly useless arms? Divine entities who had been experimenting with fermentation that's who. Poor thing had an incredibly hard time eating what it killed. The platypus was sort of a joke. We didn't think Elohim would actually go for it, that's neither here nor there though.

Creating plants and animals became a bit tedious for some of us, especially Lucifer and Elohim. They wanted to create a being that could build and create things like we did. I pointed out in passing that many of the animals that existed already were building and creating things but he felt that they were inferior in design. Elohim wanted something that he could speak to directly and charge them with different tasks. Myself and a few others had serious doubts about this idea as it seemed to run counter with creating harmony in the universe. It felt as if this new creation would be able to overpower everything else at some point in it's evolution and destroy what we had created to be in balance. Elohim and Lucifer felt that they could somehow program this new creation to not be destructive and started on the project. The rest of us went about our other tasks and left them to their project.

The original designs for what ultimately became humans were seriously flawed. It took them a long time to figure out how to make opposable thumbs work, the whole bipedal movement concept is much more complicated than you may think. Some of the early prototypes they let develop and that's where primates came from. They had to see how they moved and manipulated things to figure out how to improve upon the design. Finally they hit upon a design that worked. Elohim left it to Lucifer to handle all the aesthetic details and between the two of them they created the human that became known as Lillith, that's when the problems began and where our story truly begins.

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