Chapter 5 Part 1

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I stood there, unwilling to ruin their moment. There was something precious yet dangerous in it, questions started to assail my mind. Was this truly wrong? Shouldn't a creator care for it's creation? It was hard to tell if at this point he viewed her only as a child or if there was something more but the need to protect her was clearly motivating his choices. He loved her, but I wasn't sure in just what capacity. We had never created something that needed instructions. We made an animal, created it to know how to do it's job and let it go. Lillith had no built in design other than to learn, grow and create. How do you not care for and protect something that you have created in your own image?

His voice crept into my awareness, “Remiel, come, join us. I will inform her that I have a task elsewhere and leave her with you for a short time. She can tell you what I have already taught her.”

“We don't know how long Elohim will take to create her mate. Would you like me to explain what has been agreed upon?” As soon as the thought reached him, I felt his pain and anger. He would never be able to tell her.

“Yes, she has to be given the choice.”

For all his faults, and Lucifer had many, he never once swayed from the idea of choice and free will. “I am sorry, I know this upsets you.”

“My feelings on this have no bearing at the moment. Come, let me take my leave of her, please.”

I joined the two of them, Lillith favored me with a truly beautiful smile.

“Hello Remiel. It is nice to see you again.”

Either Lucifer was the universe's best teacher or she was a language prodigy. She was barely a day old and yet was capable of engaging in pleasantries.

“Hello Lillith, you're learning fast I see.”

She just beamed at me and looked into Lucifer's face. “He likes to talk, I hear fine.”

“Listen, Lillith, you listen well.” He gently corrected her. “Remiel is going to keep teaching you, I have a task I need to attend to. Listen to what he says, it's important. Understand?”

She nodded and took hold of my arm, a little shock of energy ran through me. Lucifer had given her more than just a spark of himself. He and I were going to have to have another discussion it appeared.

“I understand Lucifer. Good bye.” She gave him a small wave with her other hand and he disappeared.

She and I were about the same height, I looked into her intelligent eyes and asked, “Well Lillith, what has Lucifer taught you so far?” She then launched into a rather extensive list of things, he had shown her more fish, taught her the names of several birds and trees and some rough ideas on the dangerous plants she should avoid eating. Then the questions started.

I have been alive for countless years and have watched many parents go through the “Why?” phase with their children. The children expect the parents to know all and at some point or other the parent's knowledge is exhausted and they say “Because that's how it is, that's why.” I should not have had this problem, being one of the creators after all. Unfortunately, often our choices for things had been driven by aesthetics, not any scientific reason. Science is a human creation, an amazing one to be sure but honestly, genetics wasn't something we were acquainted with. So when Lillith would ask me why a flower was purple, or why sand at the beach was completely different in appearance and texture than dirt in the forest quite often I was reduced to saying “Well, because we thought it looked better that way.” I distinctly remember her giving me a few disapproving looks at my answers.

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