Chapter 7 Part 1

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He was with Lillith, which was no surprise to me. I gave him no warning, nor did I change form. Lillith screamed and my entire formless being collided into him. I was still coherent enough to not want to destroy that planet either and chose to take him with me. I wrapped part of myself around him and sent us to an ice covered dying planet, it's sun had burned out eons ago.

“Remiel! What are you doing?”

I ignored his question and threw us into a wall of ice. Since he was still holding his form he cried out in pain, whereas I slid through the wall and with a thought turned around, captured him one more time and hurled him off the edge of a cliff.

He shifted mid fall, golden tipped sunset colors came streaking towards me, I slid to one side and dove into the ice to avoid him. Lucifer followed. I pushed myself to stay ahead of him as we shot out of the mountain we had been traveling through. I came to an instant stop, he rammed into me. Smoke, flames, lighting and thunder appeared all at once as we fought for supremacy. He tried to smother me within a rapidly closing box of his energy and will. I spied a crack in his wall and pushed myself through it at the last moment.

I was thrown a decent distance away when the vibration of him closing in upon himself almost shattered the threads of existence around us.

“Remiel! Stop!” His voice almost shattered my mind it was so uncontrolled.

“You! This is all because of you!” I condemned him in response. I pulled the weakened threads around us together, creating a net of pure force and cast it out at him. He barely dodged it then hurled a bolt of intense fire and light at me. The net slowed my reactions down and pain such as I had never experienced before worked it's way through every single particle. I cried out, Lucifer screamed along with me.

“Remiel!! No!”

I felt nothing, no lines of energy, no connection to the universe, I couldn't hear my brothers, couldn't feel them. Somewhere, something whispered, “No my child. This cannot be,” and I was whole again, together.

“Remiel? Please brother, speak.”

Lucifer, I reached out for him. He was terrified but the sense of him was cradling my formless self.

“I am here.”

“Remiel?” Uriel's voice came to me, followed closely by Seraqual's and the rest, even Elohim sounded concerned.

“I am fine. We must meet and talk soon. This cannot go on.”

Lucifer had continued to hold onto me, “Remiel. I,”

“Quiet, please.” I was no longer angry at him, that wasn't the reason I needed quiet. I had to think, there was nothing in my long life up to that point that had prepared me for nothingness, for not existing.

I knew our creations eventually died, that was part of life but I had always believed that we had existed outside of that possibility. Who could kill a being of energy? I assumed that the voice that had brought me back belonged to the universe itself, it had never been so clear before. That blink of an instant when I was nothing; had I rejoined the whole of the universe and it sent me back because I still had things to do?

Lucifer and I floated above the planet, sunset and lavender streaks of light cradled around each other. “We should go back,” I finally said.

“Are you sure? Can you?”

I briefly pondered it, pulled away from him and sent myself back to where Lillith sat shaking in fear. “It seems so.” I sent to him, he appeared next to me and we shifted forms back to what Lillith was accustomed to seeing. The moment I had legs again they gave out and I fell heavily to the ground.

“Lucifer!” Lillith cried just as Lucifer called my name upon seeing me collapse.

“I will recover,” I whispered and waved him away, “See to her.” Everything ached and I was tempted to shift form again but I wasn't sure I would be capable. I chose to lie down, close my eyes and allow the energy of the earth and the world around me to help me gather my strength again. I heard their footsteps grow more distant, Lucifer must have led her away to talk to her, I found I wasn't all that interested in what he would tell her.

As I rested upon the earth it dawned on me that I had an answer for Elohim, there was something other than ourselves. His whole madness driven question of why could now be answered. Once he knew the answer he'd could stop this whole quest to create a species to worship him and we could move on. That left me with the problem of Lucifer and Lillith. She wouldn't live forever and he had seemed genuinely upset about the twisted energy lines Seraqual had pointed out. Perhaps now he would leave her be and let her live whatever life span she would have without getting even more entangled with her. Then I remembered her scream when I appeared and took him from her and how his face looked before I collided with him. They had been walking through an area of grassland, hand in hand and talking. Lucifer loved her, I couldn't deny it and as long as that remained an issue Elohim wouldn't back down either.

Uriel's soft voice came to me, “Remiel, are you truly well?”

“I will be soon. I know it will probably be pointless but I have to make one last try to reason with everyone. Can you gather them soon?”

“Of course.”

I felt his concern, his fear. They must have lost contact with me just as I had with them. “Uriel, I was nothing, I stopped existing. The universe, it made me whole again. This is what they need to understand. This rage we all feel, it pushed me to attack Lucifer, he fought back and I was destroyed. We cannot keep doing this. It will destroy everything we have created if we do.”

It took him some time to reply and when he did I was stunned. “I was speaking with Seraqual. He told me what happened, about Lucifer naming her and you choosing to not mention that. He was quite angry with you. I explained to him that you were correct. The others knowing about the naming would only infuriate them further, especially Michael and Elohim. I have also spoken with Raguel, Gabriel and Raphael. The three of them, along with myself and Seraqual have agreed to follow your lead in this. You have Lucifer's trust and I feel this is important. If Elohim keeps acting the way he has been and pushing Lucifer someone has to be able to provide a restraining hand and keep him from reacting. I tried to speak with Michael but he is too angry still. Elohim appears to not to be willing to speak with any of us at this point. I can tell you that your disappearance disturbed him as much as it did the rest of us. Perhaps we can build on that. For now, rest. Get your strength back. I'll watch over the others.”

“Thank you brother. I was worried that I was losing my brothers one by one.”

“Fear not, I, at least, will always be at your side.” 

Then he appeared next to me, embraced me, shifted and left again. Uriel and I had always been close and I was relieved to find out that had not changed. 

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