Chapter 14 Part 1

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Several minutes passed, Raguel looked at me, “Where's Adam? One would think he would have been here comforting Lillith.”

“He may have been but when Lucifer appeared he probably ran,” I replied. “Remember he thinks Lucifer is evil.”

“But he has never seen Lucifer before,” Uriel pointed out.

“Lillith would have cried out to him when her pain started and when he appeared,” I said, “If the amount of pain she is in now after Lucifer has healed some is any indication, what she felt prior to that would have been much more severe.” I looked over my shoulder at the two of them. Her eyes were closed, the tension had eased slightly from her body. He was running his hands through her hair while rocking her back and forth as gently as he could. It appeared that he had made her fall asleep to ease her pain. I sent out a thought and found Adam in the woods not too far away. “A moment brothers, I found Adam. I'll see what state he is in.”

Uriel placed a hand on my arm, “Wait Remiel. We need to decide if getting further involved with these creations is the wisest course.”

“If Elohim is intent on somehow controlling Adam shouldn't we try to prevent that?” I asked.

“No,” Raguel stated. “Look where that has gotten us so far.” He said with a gesture towards Lillith and Lucifer. “Our family is shattered, the balance is lost. The more we care about Adam and Lillith the worse it will get. We will become more splintered and take further sides in this. Michael had a point. Let Lucifer and Elohim do what they wish with them, we have to confine their battles to this one world. We are in charge of the whole of the universe, not just this planet.”

I had to admit that Raguel had a point. We had no idea where Elohim was or what he was doing. if we interfered with Adam it would only compound the insult Lucifer had already delivered. Adam was not our concern. Technically neither was Lillith but since she was so intertwined with Lucifer we couldn't abandon her, or at least, I couldn't.

“Very well. I concede your point Raguel,” I said. “How do you propose to keep the battle to here?”

“I..” Raguel began to speak when Lucifer's voice came from behind us.

“I will not confront him directly in the future,” he said causing all of us to turn around. “If I were to do so again, nothing, not even Michael would be able to stop us and Raguel is correct. There are greater concerns for you than this world.” There was an emptiness within him that had never been there before, his anger had settled into something much darker, much more dangerous then what had driven him against Elohim earlier. At that moment I knew that we had truly lost him as a brother. Who Lucifer had been in the past had been twisted, changed, lost. “He will return here, to Adam, to what he considers is his world to rule. Adam may not have Elohim's energy as Lillith does mine but his need for Adam is no less. I will keep him confined to this world.”

“How brother?” Uriel asked.

Gently, with great care, he placed Lillith on the ground and stood up. As he did the sky darkened once again, he flared his aura out over Lillith, protecting her from the approaching storm, His aura's usual sunset purples were so dark as to appear almost black, “Simple Uriel. By corrupting everything he makes to worship him, turning every creature against him, stripping him of their forced love for him and freeing them. He will be so consumed with hate for me that he will turn a blind eye to the rest of the universe.”

“What's to keep him from confronting you directly?” Seraqual asked in hushed tones.

He bared his teeth in disgust, “His own cowardice. Since this began he has always fled when confronted. When I went after him he tried to hide from me, but I followed. He was cornered and had no choice but to fight back. Michael's intervention saved him and he is well aware of it. He will never attack me. He knows if he does that will bring Michael's wrath down upon him as well as my own.”

“Why must you do this?” Uriel asked. “Take her elsewhere, leave him to this obsession of his. You need not become even more hated by him. What is the point?”

“All of you,” he replied, the slightest hint of love for us still in his voice, “You are the point, you along with Lillith. Has he not declared those of you who don't stand with him against him? Raphael informed me of what Elohim had stated after I left. I cannot leave her alone, she is a weakness in me that he will exploit, just as all of you can be used against each other if he is given a chance. No, it is best for him to have one enemy,” That darkness that I had begun to feel in him came pouring out, the sense of his entire being shifted, “And I am the one best suited for it, he has already deemed me evil after all. In keeping him focused on me, on my supposed betrayals of him he will think of nothing else. His anger towards you will fade, you can continue to do such tasks as you are able. Believe me brothers, this is the best way.”

“You're trying to cloak your own hate of him within this offer of yours,” Raguel challenged, “You want to destroy him. There is no honor in this, no sacrifice on your part.”

“When did I say there was?” Lucifer replied in that frightfully calm voice. “Where did I give the impression to you that this was about honor or sacrifice? I am offering a solution to this problem. My motivations in doing so are truly none of your concern. All of that aside Raguel, what other options do you have? None of you are threats to him and it seems that he has simply dismissed you at this point. If he is making more of those things that Remiel destroyed and sends them after you, what then? A never ending battle that scars existence from one end to the other? No!” Even though he had not moved from Lillith's side it felt as if he were directly in front of me, inches from my face. The potency of his words, even spoken softly, was that strong. “I will not lie Raguel, I have come to hate him but I would rather spend eternity here, on this planet, using my hate to keep him from befouling everything then take Lillith elsewhere and trying to hide her from him. Such actions will just cause greater harm and schisms between all of us.”

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