Chapter 9 Part 1

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We all took several moments to recover. Michael was the first stand up. When he spoke it was in a very hesitant manner, “It seems that creating life and shaping worlds may be only a small part of what we are capable of doing. I knew we could heal our creations, I am sure we have all done that from time to time but hurting each other, healing each other, perhaps destroying a brother. These are things I am not sure I ever wished to be capable of.”

“It only stands to reason,” Raphael stated, “There has to be a balance after all. All things must bow to that. One would look a mountain and think that it would be impossible to harm it, yet water and wind, they slowly break it down. We have seen entire suns slowly fade and die. Nothing is truly indestructible.”

Gabriel shook his head, “How can that be? We are energy and energy cannot be destroyed. Can it?”

Silence took hold of us again. We all stared blankly at each other, consumed with our own thoughts and philosophies until Uriel's gentle voice gained our attention.

“You are correct after a fashion Raphael, nothing is indestructible. Things shift, change, become different things. Look at a tree, it starts so small, then grows, becoming a home for some things, food for others, a respite for the sun for creatures that move about during the day. Eventually it dies, breaks down and becomes dirt again so other trees may grow from it. It has not truly been destroyed, it has merely become something else. Perhaps Remiel wasn't destroyed as such, he just returned to what we were before we became what we are now.”

“Which is what?” Raguel, “If he became nothing and Remiel as we know him was gone, he was dead to us. Destroyed. Right?”

“In one way, yes,” Uriel replied.

“Your making a rather fine distinction Uriel,” Gabriel joined in, “If he had not come back, he would be gone, even if he had rejoined that which created us. I would not be able to speak with him. Just because parts of him still may exist somewhere within the greater energy, those parts are not Remiel.”

I felt that I should be saying something since I was the one that had gone through the experience but I found that I had very little to add. It had all happened so fast, there was no way for me to know who or what I was at that moment.

“You wouldn't call a pile of dirt a tree,” Seraqual started out, “I am not saying your statements are incorrect Uriel. You are looking at the broader view of things though and I think that undercuts the importance of what happened earlier. Whether or not Remiel rejoined the universal energy is beside the point, the Remiel we know would no longer be here. Which means we can be destroyed.”

I decided that I should at least describe to them what had happened. I wasn't sure if Lucifer had and I felt that may be the only way I could add to the conversation, “I can tell you what I felt. I don't think it will give any answers or make anything easier to understand though.” I told them everything, starting from Seraqual losing control up to when I returned and Lucifer had cradled me to him. When I finished their faces registered varying levels of horror, astonishment and concern. “This is why I put the new conditions on the agreement between Lucifer and Elohim, all of us were becoming too emotional.”

“Uriel,” Raphael spoke first, “I think you were correct in saying that he rejoined the universal energy and I disagree with Elohim's statement that we somehow pulled him back.”

“Huh, statement?” Raquel said, “That was Elohim trying to make us fall for his arrogance and nothing else.”

“Elohim is allowed to have his opinion,” Michael stated.

Raguel chose not to reply. He didn't really have to, the eye roll and disdainful snort that followed Michael's words did it for him.

“We truly have no answers brothers,” Gabriel interjected, “It is good for us to discuss these things and be more aware of the consequences of our choices. However, unless one of us wishes to be destroyed and hopefully come back again we won't know truly what happens or what it means.”

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