Chapter 14 Part 2

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“So you would leave us, leave everything to stay here? With her and your hate?” Serqual asked.

He didn't respond. Seraqual crossed the distance between Lucifer and us, and knelt down next to Lillith. “Is this how you choose to show your love for her? Does any creation deserve what you two are planning? I agree with Michael that whatever it is you choose to do to these creations is between you and Elohim. But this? This Lucifer? You are no better than he is if you are dedicating yourself to corrupting them for your own revenge. He wants to rule and you wish nothing but to subvert and destroy. I will not be a party to this, to any of it. You should kill her now, it will show more love of her than further embroiling her in this conflict.” He brushed her arm with his hand, bowed his head for a moment and stood up. “Is this your choice then?”

Lucifer merely nodded. Seraqual closed his eyes in sorrow. “I shall miss you, miss calling you brother, miss the exquisite creations you have made. To turn such a gift towards something like this....” he opened his eyes, shook his head and left.

Lucifer's face stayed empty, as if Seraqual's words had no effect upon him but we all knew differently. None of us wanted to speak because we all knew that Seraqual spoke the truth. Lucifer's declaration, once again, shifted our opinions. There was no right or wrong side anymore. This had turned into a personal vendetta between them and the grand ideals of free will versus no will had been tarnished. Uriel and Raguel looked at me and I kept my eyes fixed upon Lucifer. I forced myself to start thinking past Lucifer and Elohim as my brothers and try to see where things were heading. I had no doubt that Elohim was making more of what I had destroyed and with Lucifer's decision I knew more violence would erupt in the near future. I had no idea who would start it but I wanted to be prepared this time.

“I will not defend you Lucifer, not any longer,” I stated, that made his control over his emotions slip and I saw what impact my words had. “ I will also not condemn you. We are beyond that now. I agree with you that Elohim will return and I agree that your mutual hatred for each other will keep him occupied. It is better if that is limited to here than spread all over the universe. I also wish to be more prepared this time. This is my choice then, I will keep track of Adam as I am sure Elohim will keep speaking to him. Lucifer, you said you could follow Elohim when he tried to get away from you. Had he disappeared as he has now?”

“Disappeared? What do you mean?”

“Try to find him,” I directed. It was immediately evident that Lucifer, like us, had failed to locate him.

“No, he hadn't concealed himself as well as he is now.”

“Can you give us an idea on how to find him?” Uriel asked, “You were masking your bond with Lillith. Is he doing something similar?”

“Perhaps,” Lucifer replied, his face became more animated as he addressed this new challenge, “But without knowing where he is I cannot be sure of how he is concealing himself. I mirrored the world around me, he could be doing something completely different.”

“Uriel, Raguel. We have to find Elohim and try to see what he is doing.”

“Why?” Raguel asked, “Those things he made are no match for us. If he sends them here, he and Lucifer can battle it out here. It's not our issue.”

“We are all assuming that Elohim is not crafting things like Lillith on other worlds.” Uriel pointed out, “Or perhaps things even more powerful. That thing Remiel destroyed was his first attempt. What if he had truly given it his spark?”

Raguel clenched his fists, “Fine. I see your point.” He shifted his eyes and looked at Lucifer, “You, I want to despise you brother. I truly do but I can't.” He sighed and relaxed his hands, “None of us knew that this would be the result of what you did. I can't blame you for your hate towards Elohim because he has made it clear that he cares little for us. You tried, in your own way, to keep your word. I won't condemn you for what led you and us here. I also can't agree with what you propose to do to keep Elohim busy, but....” he paused, made his way to Lucifer and embraced him, “but if it works, it's a better alternative than anything else. I won't forgive you but there is little to be gained by holding it against you either.”

He stepped back, Lucifer nodded and looked at Uriel.

“Will you help us if we call for you?” Uriel asked. “Or will you merely sit here and wait for Elohim?”

Lucifer looked at Lillith, then back to us. “I will find a way to keep her safe and aid you if you require. Especially if Elohim attacks any of you. I will also do what tasks I can.”

“Fine. Then I still consider you a brother. I, like the others, cannot condone what you are proposing for the future but if that remains here and only here, then I shan't move against you.”

“I understand,” Lucifer replied.

“Good,” Uriel stated than moved on to planning. “Remiel, stay with Adam. Lucifer, explain to Raguel and I how you were hiding your bond and other ways you think Elohim could be doing this. Then he and I will relay the information to the others. They can join in the hunt or not but they should at least know what to look for. Agreed?”

We all nodded. I located Adam again, turned myself invisible to his eyes and left them. Once I reached where Adam was I put my hand to his head and sent him to sleep as Lucifer had done to Lillith numerous times. It was remarkably easy. As soon as that was done all the things I had wanted to say to Lucifer came out of my mouth.

“How dare you?!! You propose to further profane a creation in an attempt to keep the battle limited to here! Can you not see all the dangers inherent in that? And Elohim!! Deeming us enemies for not bowing down to your wishes! Where have my brothers gone? This makes no sense!” I went on and on for quite some time. I hadn't spoken them to Lucifer because I knew that my words would fall on deaf ears. Elohim had pushed him too far. Once Lucifer was driven to attack it was too late, he would never back down now.

As I wound down Adam started stirring and mumbling in his sleep. “Yes Great One, I understand. She is no longer worthy of me.”

What was this?

“A new mate. One that is not tainted. Thank you.” He rolled over and lapsed back into silence.

Now what was Elohim planning?

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