Chapter 10 Part 1

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We stayed like that for a few moments then I pulled away from her. “I will find out where Elohim is and take us to him.” I hoped he wasn't too far. I was hesitant to transport Lillith as Lucifer had, one of us being bound to her in any way was one too many.

I sent my thought out, “Elohim? I am with Lillith and she is ready to meet her mate.”

“Remiel? So you have returned.” He didn't seem all that pleased to hear from me.

“Yes.” He was only a few miles away. “Lillith and I will walk to you and meet you shortly.”

“Is Lucifer not coming?” I could tell by his tone that he had been looking forward to watching Lucifer's reaction.

“No, he had something to attend to. We will see you soon.” I chose to not dwell on Elohim's desires to upset Lucifer further. Lillith's hand was still in mine and we started walking.

She held my hand much tighter than she ever had before. I wanted to offer her some sort of comfort but anything I thought of seemed trite. I had no real idea how she and her mate would get along, it's not something we had ever had to worry about before. Then there was the issue of Elohim, it bothered me that he had ignored my the majority of us while I had been away. It was just another sign of his arrogance in my opinion. We continued to walk without speaking for quite some time.

“Are we getting closer?” She asked in a timid voice.

“Yes. Do you need to rest?”

“No, I..” She stopped walking and looked at me, tears started drifting down her cheeks. “He's left me. He won't be back will he? It's because we are different, we are not supposed to be with each other. Your brothers, they all seemed very,” she paused searching for the right word.

“Upset? Nervous? Guarded?” I tried to help.

“Guarded. Yes, thank you Remiel. They did not seem as friendly as you or Lucifer. They spoke with me, answered my questions but did not seem to be happy to do so. Raguel, Uriel and Gabriel were not as guarded but Michael did not stay long. Raphael and Seraqual were all right I guess.” Her eyes shifted away from mine and I couldn't quite define the expression on her face, “I am different, from everything else you have created, aren't I?”

I had forgotten just how perceptive she was. “Yes, you are.”

She tucked her lower lip under her teeth, chewing on it in an oddly adorable gesture. “Did Lucifer do something wrong, spending so much time with me? Is that why he is so sad now? Is that why he had to leave?”

I decided that if she was capable of the thought process to ask the questions and make the connections than she was worthy of an explanation. “Yes and no,” I sighed. “Let's sit a moment, this will take some time to explain.”

I told her how Elohim wanted a creation that would show him respect and how Lucifer had added his some of his own spark to her because he felt that her kind should be seen as equals, not as something that should see us as something beyond them. I phrased everything in as neutral of a fashion as I could, I didn't want to prejudice her against her mate or Elohim. That would break the agreement Elohim, Lucifer and I had made. When I finished she looked at me very several long moments. As I spoke her face displayed so many emotions. Lillith hadn't learned how to hide her feelings and they were all on display for me to see, astonishment, confusion, concern and deepening understanding all kept pace with my words. Her eyes would widen, wrinkles and creases would appear on her face in various places, she would chew her lower lip, her eyes would shift from side to side. No other animal we created before her had such a mobile face that could show many things. Yet again my breath was taken away by watching her and I found myself agreeing with Lucifer that everything we had learned up until now had been captured in Lillith's design.

What she said after several moments of taking it all in shook me to my very core. “What if I told Elohim thank you for creating me? Would that make him less mad at Lucifer? Could he come back then? If Elohim is the one that truly brought me to life I should respect him. Lucifer may have gifted me with so much but without Elohim I would be nothing.”

In all our considerations we never once thought about how she may view things and she was right. Whether or not I agreed with Elohim's desire to have a creation that worshiped him, without his gift the rest of us were rather useless. She had seen to the core of the matter in a matter of minutes and had come up with a possible solution to the whole dilemma. Lucifer could not fault her for her decision or feelings on the matter, she had come up with them on her own and that was the whole point of this.

“I think Elohim would very much appreciate you thanking him, and yes, I believe that would help calm the waters between he and Lucifer.”

A triumphant grin appeared on her face, washing away all her prior concerns. “Then that is what I will do, and thank him for making my mate as well.” She stood up, took hold of my hand and we resumed our walk.

We crested a gentle, grassy hill that overlooked a small river that ran through shallow, flower covered meadow. Red, pink, blue and yellow blossoms were scattered about. Birds were hopping and dancing around them, splitting their time between eating and courting each other. I felt Elohim reach out to my brothers and shafts of silver, gold, green, blue and brown appeared around him and became still for a moment. Between one blink an eye and the next they took their forms and turned to watch Lillith and I join them.

I felt something behind us, Lucifer. I took a quick look over my shoulder but nothing was there. I made my thought very soft and targeted to keep the others from overhearing, “Lucifer?” He failed to reply but I knew he was watching. All I could do was hope for the best and that he would keep his word and not cause another fight.

It appeared that between the time when Raphael found me and now, Elohim had awakened Lillith's mate. Elohim had placed her mate in front of him and was resting a slightly glowing hand on his shoulder. I saw evidence of Michael's work which is always rather rough hewn compared to the rest of us. Her mate stood a few inches taller than her, was broad shouldered, a shade or two darker than she was with hair the color of night and brown eyes. His hair stopped at his shoulders whereas hers reached half way down her back, his features were symmetrical but not nearly as polished and shapely as Lillith's. Her face was filled with gently sloping lines and soft angles; his was more angular yet less defined and felt unfinished to me.

Lillith hesitated when she saw both her mate and Elohim standing in front of her. “Take your time,” I told her. She responded with a slight head shake, then she released my hand and walked directly up to both of them.

“Hello Elohim, I am Lillith. Thank you for bringing me to life and creating this mate for me.”

All of us, including Elohim, were completely speechless. She reached her right hand out and touched her mate's arm. He flinched slightly, then slowly raised his hand to copy her gesture.

“That's right,” she encouraged, “Now watch.” She took his hand, placed it over hers and opened and closed her fist, just as Lucifer when she had first awakened. It took him slightly longer to understand than it had her but soon he was repeating her movements. She smiled at him, “Perfect!”

The corners of his mouth hesitantly curled up, it looked a bit like he was baring his teeth at her but he had just been awakened so the emotions behind the movement were not there yet. That spark and force of life that Lillith had when she came to life was obviously missing in her mate. Lucifer's gift had given her so much more than we realized at first.

“Have you given him a name?” She boldly asked Elohim.

By now most of us had recovered from her greeting, Elohim's face was conflicted. When she had first thanked him, a surprised yet smug, condescending smile had taken hold. As she took charge of teaching her mate in the exact same way Lucifer had taught her, his smile had quickly turned twisted and dark.

“His name is Adam,” he answered, barely keeping his tone in check. “I will be teaching you from now on.”

My brothers all looked sharply at him. I stepped closer to Lillith and sent my thought to him, “That was not the terms of the agreement.” I did not want to verbalize our disagreement just yet. Not with Lillith standing in harm's way.

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