Chapter 13 Part 2

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Lucifer and Elohim stared at each other. “I wonder,” Elohim mused, “Did she feel everything? I was not aware that your bond worked like that. Do you think she survived?”

Lucifer froze, “No,” he whispered, he started to shift.

“How much of what she feels do you feel brother?” There was no disguising his intent and I found myself standing next to a frozen Lucifer, utter desolation and darkness radiating from him.

“There is no point in asking what you mean Elohim,” I said, “Your actions speak for themselves. An attack upon Lillith to get to Lucifer is an attack upon me as well. Am I clear?”

“And the rest of you?” Elohim gestured grandly towards the rest of my brothers. “Where do you stand in this? With Michael, Lucifer or myself?”

Uriel joined me, so did Raguel. Gabriel and Seraqual looked helplessly between us and Raphael spoke. “I am with Michael. Only call upon me Uriel when there is a task that needs doing. I care little for the company of any of you at this point.” He shimmered and faded from our sight.

Elohim looked at Gabriel and Seraqual, “You are too cowardly to choose I see. I'll make it simple for you then. Since you have not chosen to stand at my side I shall assume that you will work against me.” He sighed and shook his head, “Really, this would have been so much easier if you would have accepted the truth. Uriel, I hope that the universe no longer requires my assistance because I shall be busy elsewhere. I have my own world to shape.” He smiled and left.

“I can barely feel her,” Lucifer said, then he shifted, leaving the rest of us standing on the destroyed surface of a moon.

I ached, Michael's attack upon them had ripped through all of us in some way and now that the imminent threat was over the pain crashed into me. Uriel sagged next to me causing Raguel to brace him. Gabriel and Seraqual slowly crumpled to the ground. Words failed all of us for quite some time.

Eventually Gabriel spoke, “What do we do now?”

“Nothing,” I answered, “There is nothing that can be done. We have tried everything. Lucifer and Elohim will never reconcile. Brothers, we have to prepare ourselves, this will happen again.”

“Michael will stand by his word,” Uriel said. “He has the power to harm them. He is close to their equal and he has always had something about him that makes him stronger in some way.”

“Yes. I know,” I replied.

“Tell me again about this creation you destroyed Remiel?” Raguel asked.

As I spoke he grew increasingly thoughtful and concerned. “It did exactly what he said, when he said?” He asked.

“Yes. Why?”

He slammed his fist into the ground, “He will make more of them and send them against us,” he paused and I felt him searching for Elohim, a puzzled look crossed his face then he started to panic. “I cannot find him. Uriel?”

We all reached out and found every one of our brothers but Elohim. “How?” Raquel demanded.

“Lucifer had figured something similar out. I told you how he was hiding his bond from us,” I answered. “Apparently Elohim has taken it much further.”

“We have to get to Lillith then,” Uriel stated and stood up.

“Why?” Gabriel asked. “Lucifer is with her. I see no reason for us to go.”

“That is why we need to go.” Uriel explained. “Elohim's comment about his own world to create? What do you think he was referring to? He will go after that world and Lucifer will try to stop him. We have to do what we can to keep them from coming to blows again, somehow.”

Gabriel looked at each of us in turn and I watched as he put walls around his heart. “No Uriel. I want nothing more to do with this. I will not be party to harming either of my brothers.”

“Gabriel!” Raguel snapped, “So you're willing to let them tear everything apart? Is that it?”

“I..I...” He started trembling.

“Peace Raguel,” I said. I drew closer to Gabriel and placed my hand on his shoulder. “Gabriel, I understand. We all must choose what feels right to us.”

His eyes were downcast as he spoke, “Thank you. I am sorry.”

After he left Seraqual spoke. His eyes were closed and each word he said was delivered very precisely as if he was controlling a great need to destroy something, “They tried to destroy two planets. Look at what they did here. If Michael had not intervened, how much worse would it have been?”

“Brother?” Uriel asked gently.

“I am with Michael but I will come with you. This must not be allowed to happen, ever, again. If Elohim wants one world, he will soon want another and another.” As his eyes opened his aura flared around him. “Lucifer was right, choices must be made.”

The four of us found Lucifer and sent ourselves to him.

“Lillith!” I was stunned when I reached him. He was cradling her in his arms, tears were streaming down her face and she was in tremendous pain although there were no obvious wounds on her.

“Why does it hurt?” She managed to get out in between pained gasps, “Lucifer, help.”

“I am sorry, so sorry.” He pressed his face to her head and clutched her tighter, “You are not wounded, it will pass. I promise.”

I looked closer at him. He was still recovering, somehow he and Elohim had given the appearance of being much stronger than they truly were after Michael's attack. If Michael had attacked me in such a way I would have been dead again, and I had had to help Uriel heal after Elohim wounded him. I was beginning to realize just how much stronger Elohim, Lucifer and Michael were than I. I had always known, on some level, that they were more powerful than I but the differences were becoming much more clear.

“I can help,” I offered.

“No,” Lucifer whispered, “It will just tie you to her Remiel. One of us is enough, please. Let me rest. The faster I heal, the sooner she will stop suffering.”

“Elohim will be coming here,” Raguel stated.

Lucifer looked up at us and I stepped back. The only thing keeping him from calling another hail storm at that moment was that Lillith was in his arms. 

“Later Raguel,” I said, “Let him rest, Elohim is probably still recovering as well. Come.” I led them away and we waited in silence, consumed with our own thoughts as to what the future might bring. 

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