Chapter 4 Part 3

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I reached out and found Elohim, he had already started working on Lillith's mate. That was just lovely, he obviously was forging ahead no matter what the rest of us thought. As I appeared in front of him I saw he had already roughed in the beginning of what became Adam. He was making Adam about the same size as Lillith but was having difficulty with the face and muscular structure. To be blunt about it, comparing Lucifer and Elohim's artistic abilities would be like comparing Da Vinci to a child drawing stick figures.

“Ah Remiel! Perhaps you have come with another proposal from Lucifer? I'm finding all this back and forth entirely unneeded. He will come to me, he knows he has no other choice.” His tone was dismissive, as if our distress and confusing was meaningless to him.

“No, not from Lucifer. From me. I have gotten Lucifer to agree to allow her to choose if she wants to mate with your new creation or not. You both have to agree not to do anything to force her choice one way or the other. I gave Lucifer my word. He stated that if you swore to abide by her choice and declare that in front of him he would do the same. If she chooses to mate with your creation and has an offspring you don't force it to worship you. You can help raise it and earn whatever respect you feel you deserve. If she chooses to not mate, you do nothing to force the issue. You can make another female if you want. Agreed?”

“Of course. Why would I disagree to that? Shall I go to Lucifer now then?”

Something was wrong here, Elohim was taking this too well. However I had gotten him to agree to something so I may as well take advantage of it. “Yes, I'll meet you there.”

Moments later we both appeared by Lucifer but Lillith was nowhere to be seen.

“Lucifer, I agree to the terms Remiel set. I won't force her, you don't lie to her about me. I can help raise her offspring or create another female if she for some reason chooses to refuse my creation.” Elohim stated, once again in that dismissive tone of voice. Lucifer's eyes flashed when Elohim preemptively suggested he would lie to Lillith.

“How dare you?” Lucifer hissed. “Why would I lie to her?”

“Why not? You lied to me about you gifting her with your energy. It's obvious you feel you are more entitled to her than I am. I just felt I should cover all possibilities.”

I caught the slightest hint of a devious gleam in Elohim's eyes. He wanted Lucifer to refuse although I didn't understand why.

“Lucifer! He's trying to upset you.” I stepped between them and held my hands out, trying to stop it before it got too far. “Elohim, enough of your games. Both of you. Promise me if it is too much to hope for that you can respect each other's words anymore. Lucifer. Do you agree to this or not?” At this point I just had to get both of them past this moment and hope for the best.

Lucifer's face became distorted by hate. Although he was speaking to me, his eyes never left Elohim's face.“I agree to give her a choice, I agree to not lie to her. If she has an offspring you can be assured that no matter what you teach it, it will never bow to you. The rest I don't care about. If you create another female it's up to you. This path you're walking will destroy you Elohim, none of the others see it yet but I do.”

I turned my head to look at Elohim and get his acknowledgment of Lucifer's agreement. The arrogance that was there, the sheer sense of superiority shocked me. “I'd knew you'd see it my way eventually. I have work to do.” He disappeared without another word.

“He always has to get the last word,” Lucifer snarled.

“Where is Lillith?” I asked. “I only wish to see how she's doing,” I continued as soon as I saw his anger once again start to rise.

“She's beyond the bend in the river. I did not want her to see that exchange. I knew you would be back fairly soon. Elohim would have no problem agreeing to get everything he wanted. This is not a compromise, it is a victory for him. None of you understand that yet.” He started walking along the river, defeat in his posture. I decided to follow.

“A victory over what? I don't understand what he is trying to achieve,” I confessed.

“I can't explain it Remiel, just remember that I was the one that warned you.” We rounded the bend in the river and she spotted us. Her face lit up with such excitement and joy. It was obvious that she was thrilled to see Lucifer return to her.

I placed my hand upon his arm, stopping his advance. “This, whatever this is between you. You know it can't continue. You should allow some of us to instruct her as well. The more attached she becomes to you, the harder it will be for her to choose. Please. If no one else, allow me to help.” It was so painful to watch his beautiful features lose that which made them beautiful, happiness and excitement fled from him. Reflecting upon everything that happened, I often think that moment was when he started to fall away from us.

“You and you only, none of the others. I don't trust them. This is how I keep my word to you. I am trusting you Remiel, do not dishonor that.” There was a warning and a dark promise in his voice. 

“Of course not. I will only instruct her, not sway her one way or the other,” I assured him. He merely nodded in return and continued down the bank to her. I chose to walk a bit slower so I could observe how they greeted each other. When they got within arms length he once again placed his arms around her, briefly embracing her, she laughed and then he released her. He turned his head to look at me, such pain was in his face. He had already made a choice, it was up to the rest of us to either accept or condemn him for it.

( I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Things are going to get complicated for all of them from now on. Brace yourselves.) 

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