♕ Angel And Sinner ♕

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means timeskip.

I heard a knock on the stall door and my head shot up in response. I sniffed.

"The girls have reported you've been in there for a couple hours. . . please come out." A woman's voice spoke softly, as if she understood. But the pity leaking sourly from her tone made it difficult to believe her. I obliged anyway, hoistng myself up and gathering my belongings.

When I opened the bathroom door, no longer in the isolated safety of the cluttered space, I first noticed the blond-gold streaks she had, held in a tight ponytail. Coach Leana.

She blinks, surprised to see I was the one hiding. "Are yo-"

"I'm fine." I cut her off, brushing past her. She doesn't question any further and lets me go. Like so many others, she doesn't care enough to truly reach out, and even if that was the case, my walls would hold.

At lunch, I slid my tray and myself inside the usual table filled with strangers calling themselves my friends. "Hey." I nodded at Marshall who was across from me, his head resting on the heel of his hand, uninterested. But he beams at the sight of me.


Before I can say anything, I see a shrub of black, spiky, hair cross the corner of my vision and my eyes follow their trail. Gon Freecs. I watch the boy push the double-doors leading outside, rushing wind slapping his face and I feel my cheeks warm even though nothing happened.

The honors class student makes his way down the courtyard and stops, facing the fence. After a couple of seconds, a group of all males emerge from the shadows, the only barrier seperating Gon from the gang was the fense and I felt myself tense.

Normal P.O.V.

Marhall noticed Y/N's reaction, too, shifting in his seat.

Y/N's P.O.V.

Among them stood a tall boy with his hands in his pockets, his oddly white-colored hair making him stand out in a crowd of raven and dark haired partners in crime. He feels my stare, Ocean Blue eyes catching mine, holding their gaze. We stare at each other for at least 6 seconds before I break away.

When I turn around to see him again, I realize he's gone- and so are the other three. Gon stands with his head held low and fists clenched. Never had I seen him so pissed. My alert senses highten when someone taps my shoulder. "The bell rang for next period, peaches." Just Marshall.

Nodding, I stood up and dropped my plastic plate above the large trash can, swiftly dodging busy peers with expressions twisted into the average bitch face or the I'm done with everything one. My personal favorite and most used was Don't give me shit.

Once the final bell rang, everyone was out the door before I could say school's over. Outside, leaning against the wall, stood Marshall. I smiled at him and we we followed the crowd of students to the exit. His backpack was swung over one shoulder and as I studied his features, I hid my admiration. He has always been beautiful in an unexplainable way; sharp cheekbones, eyes a black abyss and straight nose with a small piercing.

I'd known him since we were practically in preschool, the only person who hasn't left. Yet.

"Can I ask you something?" His question brings me back to reality and I struggle for words.

"Yeah, what's up?"

Hesitation clouds over him as he gulps before responding, adom apple bobbing. "Nevermind."

"No, seriously, tell me!" I urge, lips curving with curiousity as I step in front of him.


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