☄ Killua's Do-Over ☄

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I sat on the steps outside of the school with my head burried in my knees. I definitely wasn't crying, but the soberness of it all burned the back of my eyes.

I heard the double doors swing open, footsteps walking toward me. I didn't move from the position I was in, hoping they would pass by- whoever they may be.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice greet in a low, ruff tone. I felt him sit down next to me and I raised my head to meet his eyes. Their Ocean Blue gaze shifted to the floor in shame and then my face. "Let me take you home." He offered, guilt written all over his features.

I thought about refusing at first but thought better of it and said with a shrug, "Okay."

"Really?" He seemed surprised, and relieved. The white haired boy leaned in, "Listen, Y/N, I'm s-"

"Let's go!" I smiled, hoisting myself up. I had to pretend I was fine until we arrived home, behind walls where my sobs wouldn't be heard.

"Angel...." Killua's voice trailed on but I he stopped and led me to his car in silence- except, it wasn't a car at all. It was a motorcycle.

"Woah," I gasped, striding around it and running my hand against the leather seat.

"A Thunderbolt BSA, cool isn't it?" He commented with a grin. "I won it in a gamble."

"Hmmm..." I murmered, catching the red helmet he tossed me, swinging it over my head. "Thanks."

He sat in front of me, gripping the handles, and started the vehicle. "Sorry, babe, but you're going to have to hold on to me if you wanna stay on your seat." I don't know why but I had already placed my hands around his hips, loosening my grip when I realized how tight I was holding him.

He noticed this, too. "Y/N?"

I stiffened. "Why wasn't Gon the one to take me home?" I muttered, instantly regretting it. I could see the hurt flash across Killua's face as he masked it just as fast. "Sorry." I whispered, feeling terrible.

He didn't say anything and we drove in silence, letting lights blur our vision and our thoughts shroud our screaming brain.

When we arrived and were before my door, the awkwardness grew louder and louder and I watched the fallen angel. He was staring back, hands were in the depths of his pockets. "Later," he said, turning around, back in the direction of his motorcycle. I watched his back.

Before he departured though, he whipped his head and caught my eyes. His had been filled with hesitation until our gaze locked. All of a sudden, he jogged toward me and then smacked his lip on mine and everything went down at once. It wasn't like the one before- at the party. This one has meaning, it was not empty. In fact, it was rough, I felt him push me back, my hands on his chest to keep him steady. He was savoring unknown territory.

The kiss ended all too soon and Killua offered me a wolfish smirk. "That, that, was a do-over." We were both breatheless, smiling. Finally, he left for his Thunderbolt. "Catch you tomorrow, angel."

"What does this mean?!" I yelled, bold enough to ask early.

"It means I LIKE you, moron!" He yelled back, and just like that, I forgot about Gon, my mom, everything. For a moment in time, I was free of worry. I was okay.

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