Finding Killua pt. 2

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*Slightly long chapter <3    

     We traveled on the boys' old, silver Volvo, mildly recognizable since the last time I had seen it. Again, Jeremy took the wheel. From the front, Drake looked over to us, "By the way, your edgy friend is gonna be joining us."

"Marshall?" I blink, "why?"

"In case one human dies, another one is left." Gon said next to me with his muscled arms crossed over his plain white T-shirt and the chest beneath it, shoulders slumped.

Jace shook his head, raising a brow, "That's not it. He found us by an alley the other day and… he got us from there." The dark haired fallen angel explained, running a hand through his hair.

"And what the hell were you doing in an alley?" Gon glared, narrowing his caramel orbs at him.

"None of your fucking business, asshole."

"As vulgar as always."

"Shut it, angel. Or do you want us to give you another beating?" This time it was Drake who spoke, glancing at us with a challenging gaze. I couldn't help but hold my breathe, staring at my guardian angel who kept a nutural mask that didn't fool me. How was it fair for him to know everything about me and I knew the amount of a salt grain about him?

"What beating Gon?" Now I'm the one glaring.

"Tell her, Mr. Does No Wrong!" Jeremy yelled, and the vehicle gave a brutal turn, the wheels screeching. I screamed, holding on to Gon who was gripping his seat, jaw set, eyes closed.

Drake head-butted his friend, both of them fighting for the wheel, the car moving left and right and I was certain we were going to die. "The fuck, Jeremy? Kill it!" Jace growled, "Calm your fucking temper!"

Jeremy bared his teeth, except, they weren't teeth at all— they were fangs. It got so bad that even Drake had to intervene from the seat next to me, crawling his way to the front and pushing them both off of each other, "Let me drive." He said calmly, a strain to his voice.

Miraculously, they didn't go at it again, chests pumping with adrenaline. When I looked back at Gon, with his lids still shut, I said, "It's over."

"Not yet." He replied, not looking at me. "It's barely starting…" I didn't want to ask what he meant. I was afraid I already knew the answer.

The rest of the car ride was silence, suffocating from the back of the bone. I rose immediately, responsive, when the car stopped and the boys hopped off without a single word uttered. They punched each other, laughing, as if the incident from earlier was all gone and forgiven. Incredible.

When I focused my attention on the building in front of us, I gasped. It was a skyscraper, tall and black all over, literally— it was black glass converting the structure, covering the inside, and a strange vibe surrounded it. I couldn't place my finger on what exactly this feeling was.

Gon took my wrist, not gripping the skin but more so simply pulling me foward where the others were already going.

"This… is where Killua's at?"

"Hell yeah. We can find out brother anywhere, he's definitely here." Drake grinned, pushing the doors open. I expected them to give in, but they remained unmoving to my dismay. When Drake tried again, he furrowed his brows in frustration when it didn't budge, "Fuck."

Gon groaned.

"More like fuck it." Jace said, bored, shouldering past the fallen angel and kicking the door once, bruising it. He tried the handle and it finally slid open.

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