✧ Hidden Demon ✧

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Killua today. I didn't see him yesterday, or the day before . . . what's up with that? Last time I saw him-

"It means I LIKE you, moron."

I shake his words from my thoughts, the way his dimples were visible when he smiled, how his hair shone silver in the moonlight- stop it, Y/N!

He didn't mean it. Couldn't have.

He was a fallen angel.

Gon's P.O.V.

One, Killua's deep in this one. Everyone seems clueless, maybe he wasn't that important to them in the first place . . .

"Shall your end of humanity rotten."

I smile,
shall it indeed, if it hasn't already.

Normal P.O.V.

"Hey, you!" Someone yells behind the guardian angel, making him pause and then turn around to face the source of the voice. There, he's greeted by Drake's glare, "Where's Killua?"

Gon smirked, "How should I know?"

"Don't act dumb!" Drake said through gritted teeth. "You know exactly where our brother is!"

"Spill it," Jace said in a low voice, joining the squarel. "Or we'll resort to other, less preferable means."

"Oh, am I supposed to be scared?" Gon narrowed his caramel orbs at them, "I find you guys rather amusing."

In an instant, he was tackled to the ground by a force smaller himself, Gon gasping in utter shock. On top of him, he faced piercing scarlet eyes that made a shiver snake down his spine, an unfamiliar feeling creeping besides him.

The spiky, green-tip haired male didn't have enough time to react, feeling large claws slash across his chest repeatedly.

"Jeremy! What the hell-" Drake's eyes dilated as he went to remove his shaking body from Gon. "Stop already!"

"Where's Killua, angel?!" Jeremy screeched, barring sharp front fangs. "Tell me!"

Jace kicked his comrade off of a breathless Gon. "God, Jeremy." He ran a hand through his dark brown locks, looking over his shoulder at the boy unfortunate enough to fall victim to Jeremy's rage. "You see now, don't test us." Something flashed across the tall male's face for a fraction of a second, sympathy? Impossible.

"H-he's been caught to become a One— they're a band of fallen angels and demons that train for three months until a final test where they have to fight each other until only ten remain .  .  . they'll become the underking's reliants. The rest will die." Gon explained warily, staring at the cracks imprinted on the concrete floor.

"No way out." He mutters before taking a handful of dirt and then throwing it in his attacker's face, making him stagger back and groan.

Drake and Jace both watched Gon make his escape, allowing him to leave. Then they aided their friend who's eyes burned so terribly, streams of tears ran down his cheeks without him intentionally wanting them to. "That son of bitch!" He cursed.

"He said demons right?" Jace blinked in realization, "Aren't they weaker than us?"

At this, Drake shrugged, "Depends on their ranking." He looks over at Jeremy, "Take him for an example."

Jeremy froze, "Y-you know .  .  .  . ?" He whispered, his lips quivering. "That I'm a d-dem-"

"We won't tell Killua." Drake interrupted him, "So don't worry."

"Why—" is all the red eyed demon said, pushing himself up an swiping his wet face.

Because we're brothers, and brothers stick together, asshole.

Y/N's P.O.V.

It's no use! I think, crouching down, my feet are numb from all the running and I've stopped to catch my breathe. He's not here.


My head drops when I realize the time, it's already six in the afternoon. I need to head home, my mom's returning from who knows where. But, I won't given up searching!

Why .  .  . am I so panicked?

When I arrive home, I notice my best friend laying comfortably on the steps of my porch, scrolling through his phone with the swipe of his finger. "Marshall?" I say, walking towards him with a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing here."

At the sound of my voice, his head quickly shoots up, catching my eyes. They reflect seriousness, "We need to talk about something."

Talk about— what?

Making myself confortable besides him, I gestured for him to go on with my silence and attention. "Y/N, I think I want to be more that just f-"

A familiar car pulls up on our driveway, the engine dying within a minute's arrival. My mom slowly opens the door, holding two plastic bags. She glares at me through her $300 sunglass lenses. "Help me." She orders, nodding her head towards me.

A please would be nice, I think, resisting the urge to roll my eyes, taking her belongings. Marshall helps, too, helping the poor excuse of a mother out of her vehicle and leading her inside. As if she couldn't do it herself.

When she locked herself in her chamber, I mean room, leaving me and Marshall alone, I simply collapsed on th couch, exhausted. Padding the spot next to me, I offered Marshall a smile. "Aren't you gonna stay over?"

He faces me but avoids my gaze at all costs, obviously something is bothering him. "What's wrong, Marsh?" I ask, tilting my head. He shakes his.

"Nothing, sorry. Forget I said anything. I just wanted to see if you were okay."

"Of course," I answered. "I always am." And that was a lie, but he didn't need to know that.


"Bye?" The door shut behind him.

Normal P.O.V.

"So we're on a mission to go look for Killua," Jace stated plainly, his hands shoved in his pockets, "remind me again why she's joining us."

He eyes the red head next to Drake who clicked his tongue and said, "Got a problem, shithole?" Actually, this girl was the one behind the register back in the boothes .  .  . the girl who sold him his necklace, the one chained freely around his neck right now.

"I hope I'm not a bother!" She waved her hand innocently, wrapping her arm around Drake's.

Jace's eye twitched, "Not at all." He said with Jeremy, forcing a smile.

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