☜♥☞ Killua's Identity #NoPlanA ☜♥☞

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Stepping out of my cell, a weight seemed to lift from my shoulders and yet my chest ached at the sight of Gon. I felt guilty. Even though I shouldn't. I wasn't Gon's. And Gon wasn't mine. His stare pierced through the air like a sharp-edged knife, his arms folded over his chest and without a single word spoken, he began for the exit.

I followed his heels until I heard Killua kick the bars of his cell, as if to remind me that he was still here. When I turned around, he wouldn't meet my eyes, simply stared at the wall looking grim with his arms crossed around his middle.

Abrutly, I went for the keys, swinging them over their hanger and tossing them through the gaps of his cage, landing a few inches away from his crossed legs.

Finally, his Ocean Blue orbs locked with mine with sudden intensity, pleading. But I broke off his grasp and joined my tje boy I had fantasized for five years, who was waiting outside. The cool night air had subsided and it was nearing to three in the morning.

"Do angels ever sleep?" I asked with a yawn after the cruel silence became too strangling to bear. My gaurdian stayed silent, caramel eyes focused ahead. I frowned. "What? I can have fun sometimes, too." It came up a weak whisper when I was going for a scream spilling protest.

He sighed, looking at me, but not really. "I told you to stay away from Killua, didn't I?"

"Yes, but-"

"You were going to kiss him, Y/N. You were doing the exact opposite of what I ordered you not to do!"

My eyes widen. "You don't get to order me around." I narrow my eyes in his direction, watching him pinch his nose, shaking his head as if I was too much of a child to understand whatever bull crap he was sputtering about.

"You don't get it, Y/N!" He's yelling now, thank God the streets are pretty much empty. "That's not the fucking point!"

I stand in front of him, glaring. "Oh, yeah? How exactly is he dangerous?" I challenged, regretting ny words the moment they escape my lips.

A laugh runs through him, ringing along the hollow of my ears, cold and merciless. "You ready?"

For what?

"He's a fallen angel." Once the words escape Gon's mouth, it's like my brain won't register their meaning, rejecting them completely. "And so are his friends."

"You're lying." I said automatically, stone cold.

"He already tried to kill you twice. Pussied out." I don't think Gon understands how much of a shock this is to me. Sure, I knew Zoldyck was trouble, but never did I expect-

I hear rushed footsteps against the concrete, and a figure towers over me, looking between me and Gon. Then his expression becomes worried, blocking Gon from view by standing in front of me. "Angel?" His voice is soft, careful not to break me.

I already am, shattered and decieved.

The palm of my hand collides with his cheek, a painful sting bites at my skin and veins. His head had been cranked back with the blow but he doesn't turn around, still. "You're a liar!" I choke. "When were you planning on burrying my corspe? Or would it be on display?" I sneer, Gon trying his best but failing miserably to contain his laughter.

"What?" Killua questions, finally seeming to understand where all of this rage was coming from, his expression a frame of innocence, but I knew better than to fall for it. "What are you talki-"

"Forget it." I cut him off abruptly with the wave of my hand, "Don't talk to me ever again, Zoldyck."

Normal P.O.V.

The white haired boy stares at Y/N's back as she decends further out of reach, fists at his side as he watches Gon's triumphant smirk as he wraps his arm around Y/N to "confort" her. Where did things go wrong?

Y/N's P.O.V.

On our way to my house, I didn't care hold a useless conversation, this apparently startling my gaurdian angel who asked needlessly if I was okay. "Yeah, Gon, I'm living the time of my life." I replied sarcastically, poisin rinsing the corners of my tone. "Couldn't be better." He flinched and I pretend not to care, shrugging.

"Listen, Y/N, I'm sorry, okay? Is that what you want, an apoligy? There you go."

I turn to face him, upset and angry. "I want you to be honest!"

He blinks, taken back. "I have-"

"No, stop. I've had enough with your crap. Even if I do like you, even if you are supposed to protect me from Killua and whatever else, I've had to press the truth from you. I don't know anything about you and yet you know so much about me?" I gasp, so done with this. "Let's just go back to the way things were because I'm tired-" we've arrived. "I watch from far away and you don't get close. It's better for both of us."

The boy didn't argue, looking at the floor. "Okay."

"Okay?" I repeat. I give out a frutrated shreak and stomp inside, tossing my bag once the door shuts closed, immediately searching for a pen and paper. I'm not going to cry anymore.

Normal P.O.V.

"She knows?" Drake's brows furrowed. "Good luck with that, man."

"She doesn't know the truth." Jeremy said, dipping his apple slice in a penut butter stream and biting half. "It sucks balls that you can't tell her."

Killua crouched on top of the marble table, humming to himself wih his eyes closed, head tilted back. "Maybe I can." His lids sliding open and a grin spreading across his face.

"Uh, oh!" The three boys smirked in sync. "Little pussy has an idea!"

"I won't help you lie to a little girl." Bisky stared at the group of boys with an unimpressed expression.

Killua shook his head. "No, Bisky, she isn't little-"

"Good, then maybe she's old enough and smart enough to stay away from you creeps."

"C'mon, Bitsy," Jeremy frowned, striding towards her, taking her hand, eyes shining. "I'll take you out for dinner if you help us." She automatically wrapped her fingers around his wrist and threw him to the back wall.

"No thanks." She supressed a smile. "I'll help."

"Really?" They wondered, greatful, practically closing in on her as if they were a bunch of starving wild dogs and she was a single piece of stake.

"No." She laughed, clutching her stomach and their hearts immediately dropped to the floor, a bunch of deflated balloons. Her back is facing them as she waves a gloved hand.

"Old hag. . ." The white haired boy mutters under his breathe, pissed. A fist makes contact with the bottem of his chin, making him fly in the air and then land on the floor. He stares daggers at the blonde in ponytails.

"Hmmph. That mouth of yours is really problematic. Maybe I should stitch it shut?" She muses, staring in the distance with a grin at the thought.

After she leaves, the boys gather themselves, staring at one another. "Plan B?" Jeremy asks, oblivious and unaware.

Drake chuckles softly. "We didn't even have a plan A, goddamn."

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