✿ Finding Killua pt. 1 ✿

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Y/N's P.O.V.

My suspicion had grown wider after a series of six months had passed by like the tide of a wave without Killua, his absence a sole reminder of the new life I was getting used to. Gon remained by my side, ever so distant.

"Killua's been missing," I started, "Have any idea where he m-"

"We already discussed this." Gon said in what came out to be a growl. I was tired of his restrictions and orders, but what could I do? He was my guardian angel, no matter how reserved he was. He knew what was best. Or maybe not and he was just holding me back.

"But you never tell me anything." I say with a pinch of a whine, "This is getting old, Gon." I watch him shake his head and scoff.

"You think I like being with you twenty-four seven? The feeling's mutual, Y/N." I know he didn't mean for it to come out as sharp as it did, as hurtful as it was, and yet my gaze dropped to the concrete floor and we walked the rest of the way in silence.

I expected this day to be like any other, plain, boring one I've had since, well, Killua's disappearance. As much as I didn't want to admit, I missed him. Where was he? His friends, Drake, Jace, and Jeremy stopped coming to school all of a sudden. It was just one bland waist of my life.

Made me wonder what life was before I had all of this super-not-so-natural occurrences. Though, it became clear to me that if I wanted to know anything about Killua, I would first have to find the three other fallen angels, but where did I begin?

I had to walk on egg shells, "Is there more angels like you?" I ask Gon as he walks me to my next class. He shrugs simply instead of instantly turning me down like always. Maybe he felt bad about this morning.

"Yeah, some even surround you and you won't even know it." A smile tugged at his face. "If you want, I can tell you one." I blinked in response.

"What's the catch?" I narrow my eyes at him, matching his expression. Another shrug.

"Nothing, you want to know right?"

"Yes..." I trail on suspiciously.


Guess? As in, try to figure out possible angels inhabitanting this school?

"I don't know, that quiet girl in biology class? Esmy I think was her name." I finally say, offering a sideways look. The black green-tip hared saint frowns.

"Nah. We disguise ourselves so you'd never know we are what we are. Your Journalism teacher. She's one of us." My eyes widened at the mention of Ms. Chandler, trying to possess his words and failing.

"Chandler?!" I choked, but we had arrived and he was already turning around, shoving his hands in his pockets. Another angel had been so close all of this time! She was my solution! The question was, however, how would I privately talk to her without Gon intervening?

She was my last peroid of the day, meaning, I could easily get her alone and interrogate the soul out of her. And that's exatly how it went- Ms. Chandler was a blonde with liquid blue eyes, slightly more gray than Killua's with her hair always held in a tight bun. She was the type of person to pursue and get as close to perfection as possible with even the glasses to go with it.

"Um, Ms. Chandler? Can I talk to you about something?" I questioned after every student had left. She looked up at me, eyes flashing at the sight of me.

"Sure. What is it?"

How would I put it into words? "Um, well..." She smiled and folded her slick, skinny, hands.

"You know about me. What I am. Just tell me your question and I'll answer as best as can." She said, pursing her red cherry lips. "Don't be shy."

She... knew already, on step ahead. Amazing. "Where did K-killua go?" I stuttered, her eyes peirced holes on my skin, darkening. All of a sudden, she grabbed a large portion of my hair and tugged me forward, making it so that I was so close to her face that I could feel her warm breath on my face.

"Find Arken." She whispered in my ear with a soft voice, like a song. "Find Arken. It has all of the answers th-" we were interrupted by the door to the room slamming open so abruptly, out heads turned in the direction of the impact within seconds. Gon, brows furrowed and flared nose, glared at us as he syood still at the doorway.

I sigh, already feeling a lecture or an argument or whatever it was, coming on. "Y/N," he said my name, "outside, now."

"This might be personal," Ms. Chandler began, gesturing at our surroundings, "but I am still your teacher, an authoritive figure and that is by no means a way to talk to another student."

Gon's glare transfered in her direction, chin stubbornly held high, "Shut up." With that, he took my hand, grip tightening as he dragged me out of the door.

"Stop-" I said, taking a hold of his hand, cold fingers wrapped on my skin, "stop Gon, it hurts!"

He didn't let go and instead looked over his shoulder at me with hard, caramel orbs. His lips moved, "Sad because Killua isn't here to save your curious ass? He's gone now, he probably left you because of how stupid and annoying -" my palm lands on his cheek, sending a sting through my veins.

"I told Killua once that he was just as terrible as you, maybe worse. I was wrong, you're a bastard!" I yell that last part, squirming away from him and then launching into a spring.

To my dismissal, Gon followed me. Then, I felt him slap me back. My cheek throbbed and I was positive it was scarlet.

"I'm only telling you the truth," he said softly, but his eyes were blank, "Arken is the land of misfortune. If you go there, and I follow you, we won't make it out alive."

Without hesitation I say, "I don't care anymore. I want to see Killua."

"I'll do my best to stop you."

"Don't resist Gon. You can't."

He fowns and creases are visible on his forehead, "I know."

Normal P.O.V.

"It's not on the map..." Y/N notices, eyes on the screen of her phone. Gon smirks smugly.

"I forgot, one of us has to lead you."

"So, you."

Gon shakes his head, arms folded, "I never agreed to this, princess. You're going to have to find someone else."

"I can always ask Ms. Chandler." She challenged, tilting her head.

"No need for that, babe." A familiar voice rang in their ears, several steps following in the source's tracks.

"You can't call her that, dumbass. She's Kil's girlfriend." Another one chirps in.

"He can share." Jeremy said, the three boys pausing in front of Y/N and her guardian angel, who took a protective stance.

"And here I thought you all suffered the same fate as your brother, sinners." Gon seathed, wary of the demon who had attacked him last time. Jeremy noticed this and smirked.

"Y/N," his cracked his knuckles, "Let us help you. We already tried finding him but we need a human with us." Gon tensed.

"What do you mean?" A clueless Y/N wondered, batting her eyelashes.

"Like a human sacrifice?" Gon raised a brow, unamused. Y/N's eyes dilated and she looked at the three fallen angels who seemed offended.

"No, not that. We just need a mortal." Jace waved his hand, nodding at Y/N, "You in or what?"

Y/N contemplated about this for less than five seconds, "I'm in."

Author's note: Hey guys! I'm BACKKKKKKKKKKK BABY!!!!!!!!!! #SLAY
Anyway, my updates are back, and I'll update some time next week or something. Comment what you think! ❦

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