Play me for a fool

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*song highly recommended for the end

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Why are you doing this?" My weak, breaking, voice asks, head low, as I hear my cell close with a clank. A low chuckle rings from Killua's throat but nothing more, no explination, nothing to releive my confusion, "We came here for you."

It was pathetic of me to be in this state. I always knew that being his friend was like setting a ticking bomb- it would eventually blow up and it was my fault.

I was alone, caged, with the others being taken away to another floor. It was cold and hard and I never thought I would find myself in a situation like this. Which reminded me, I had a test today at school. Oh, well. I guess I'll fail.

It felt like several hours before something strange happened- all of the cells around me set off, sliding open simultaneously! I took advantage of this to slip away, not getting too far until someone pushed me against a wall and my eyes widened as I faced calm, Ocean blue ones, a hand on my mouth. I pushed the white haired male off of me, shivering.

Was this a test to see if I escaped? How sick!

"There's no time to explain-" he began, words rushed, looking around, "but I heard they were keeping you here, angel. We have to go get the others, c'mon," He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the exit and I realized something abput his entire person was different . . . his hair wasn't neatly swayed back like before and he smelled of burnt wood and his grip was gentle.

What was going on? I planted my feet firm on the ground, he came to a halt, looking over his shoulder with warm, clear eyes that questioned me. I wasn't convinced, "You're the one who locked me up into that damn cage, traitor!" I accused through gritted teeth.

His brows furrowed, attempting to figure me out, what my words meant, "What?"

"You were here just moments ago."

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were!

He pinched his nose, glaring down at my short figure, "Calm down, angel. You said you saw me lock you up? That's impossible-" he seems deep in thought, contemplating whether or not he remembered any of it. When he shook his head, I felt him place his palm on my cheek, leaning in and whispering, "I don't know what you saw, but I'm here now. I'm asking you to trust me, Y/N. But we he to go now, can you do that?"

Obediently, I nod, letting him lead me. After a while, I ask, "Do you know where the others are? I have so many questions!"

The corners of his mouth turn up, forming a sad, lingering, smile, "Then start asking!"

"What were you doing here all this time?"

He frowns, clearly uncomfortable, stopping. We round a corner, enter a small item's room and I hear him, "I was chosen."

"F-for what? What happened?"

He chuckles softly, poking my head, making it bobble, "Always so curious. Fine, look." He starts to remove his shirt that didn't cover much anyway (not that I was complaining), and I gasped at the sight of his body, the colorful skin dotted red, green, and purple, imperfect. Some scars were there, too, but what surprised and shocked me the most was the two long ones that made my stomack twist- his wing scars. When they must have been torn.

"Killua-" I said before he slung back his shirt into place.

"It doesn't matter, I'll be out of this dump today. I've been to hell, this is nothing."

My heart dropped, "You've been to hell? That exists?"

He shrugs, "My hell is difderent than others. I spent hell everyday here without you." I didn't understand what he meant and we continued in silence.

We found the others in a very dim room, the only light illuminating from a few torches scattered on the walls, dancing to the scene below. Jace's jaw was set and he looked as if someone so much as moved a finger, he would go on a rampage. Drake wasn't much different, more so keeping his temper in check. Marshall, on the other end, kept his heas low and I knew from years with him that he was thinking thoroughly about the situation, trying to make it better.

Killua was in front of me, sheilding me from view, he started to back away slowly, but then stopped when a voice. He appeared to be confortable, one leg over the other and his scarlet eyes flashed with delight at the sight of us, sick and thirsty for bloodshed.

A grin spread across his pale face, pursing his cherry colored lips, "What do we have here, gentleman?"

"Fresh meat, sir." Someone answered from the back of the crowd that surrounded them.

And in that instant, Jace pounced on the nearest enemy with extraordinary spead and force, exposing his bare fangs, desperate, dangerous, and clouded. Before anyone could move, he dug sharp nails on the man's head, making him give out a sharp, peircing howl of pain. It stopped ringing in my ears when his head was twisted so fast I almost missed it.

Drake took the chance to act, too, causing a screech to escape from three others, crouching down when he was done, back arching, his claws sliding on the floor as he lunged to catch the ring leader's neck. But he was slammed against the far wall after the leader stood from his chair, obviously displeased, irritated. Drake slumped on the ground, unconcious and from the corner of my eyes, I noticed Killua number two holding Jace down, finding the task difficult by himself.

"They have nerve." Killua number 2 sneers. He turns his eyes in our direction as if he felt our presence and the Killua in front of me pushes me back gently but firmly, really fast.

"Wha-" I gasp, but he simply plants a kiss on my cheek and I watch his lips move.

"Sorry." He frowns. I wonder what he means, he isn't making any sense. But then a hand grips my arm and my vision goes black. Slowly, I drown in a black ocean, drowning.

Normal P.O.V.

Killua closes his eyes, attempting to calm his racing heart, releived that Y/N was safe. She would be evacuation out, he would make sure of it. Now, he hesitated before crossing a few steps until he was in eyeshot. The first to see him is his clone, eyes turning to slits. His grip visibly loosens, Jace looking at him, shocked at the sight of two Zoldycks in the same room.

Killua, the real one, begins towards them with a smirk, don't hesitate, he thinks to himself. But the fake knows to act fast, launching towards him on a rampage, tacking him to the ground. The two wrestle each other, rolling around on the ground. But, it seems that these people forgot something- Killua was a fallen angel.

Shadows surround the white haired male, laughing cruelly, and Killua is no longer in human form, cloaked in a string of nightmares, fangs and claws and snarls.

"Well, fuck." Drake says, astonished, arms crossed over his chest as he shakes his head, "I almost feel bad for the bastard."

"But then again, he deserves it."

"We all know Killua always delivers more than his victim's fair share." Jeremy says, Gon at his side.

"Don't tell Y/N that." Jace laughs, wincing at the pain in his ribs.

Then, all of a sudden, the ceilings throbs and the building shakes madly. Everyone looks up, silent, still. The roof is torn open roughly and creatures with giant, scarlet wings the width of a surfboard fly inside, hundreds of them. What comes next is chaos.

"The archangels, " Gon breathes, "they've found us."

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