۵ My Scars ۵

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Normal P.O.V.

"Heard you wanted to make a deal?" A bruenette said, her hands burried inside her jacket pockets, the majority of her face covered by black wrapping.

Gon nodded slowly. "Yes."

"Make it, then."

"Y/N. . . is bound to me."

Stella raised an eyebrow. "She already is, that is not valid."

The gaurdian angel's jaw clenches, "I know but-" he pauses, choosing his words carefully. "-she won't be soon."

The underfallen creaks a menacing smile, outstretching a single hand, eyes glistening a sharp golden shade. The boy takes it, shaking firmly. "It's a deal, Gon Freecs. Shall your end of humanity rotten."

Y/N's P.O.V.

The several edged sticks scrap my knees, picking at my skin and I can feel the buzzing of insects, the revengeful rays of the raging sun shining through the gaps between the trees above my head. My steps are weighed down by my backpack and I have to stop every now and then to catch my breathe.

It isn't until I hear a car booming loud rap as it passes by, its window open while the driver- a dark man with expensive-looking lenses nodding to the beat, that I suddenly feel the presence of someone behind me. When I whip my head back, my hair falling behind my shoulder, that I stare wide eye at the white haired fallen angel who matches my gaze.

He's glaring at me. "Turn back now."

Excuse me?

"I thought I told you not to follow me." I deadpanned with bitterness dripping from my tone. I see him raise his hands and then drop them to his sides, shrugging.

"I live to disappoint."

"Shut up."

When I spin back around and continue, I feel the zipper of my backpack creek in high pitch, the contents inside falling on the floor. "Oops." Killua says, sounding anything but apologetic. "Looks like you'll have to pick those up."

"You're an asshole, you know that?" He doesn't seem fazed by my comment, watching as I pick up my stuff in a rush. Once I'm done, the silence falls over us like a suffocating blanket. A knot forms in my throat as I suddenly remember what Gon told me earlier. He already tried to kill you twice. Pussied out.

Should I confront him? Would that be a dangerous move?

"Did you. . . try to kill me?" I question, cautious, turning my body and mirroring his movements. His fists in the depths of his pockets, casual and laid back, unblinking.

"If I told you yes, would you be scared?" He answered my question with another question and it may have just been my imagination, but I could have sworn a flicker of something undecipherable ran through his eyes.

I stepped back.

Killua smiles. "Yeah, I did." I remain frozen, tracking his hands.

I can hear his voice in my mind, startling me. At your house, I picked up a knife from your kitchen. And at the party, I was planning on drugging you, tampering with your drink. Frightened?

But you couldn't do it, I thought back as he closed his eyes. Why not?

"I don't want to talk about this anymore." He groaned, running a hand through his hair.

"Is there a God?" I ask out of mid air and he perked an eyebrow in response.

"Not that I know of." He muttered, frowning. "Where are you even going, Y/N?" Now it's my turn to frown, he hasn't called me Angel at all this whole time, why is that? Why do I even care, it doesn't matter. Keep your shit together, Y/N! "Isn't the alien supposed to make sure you're safe?"


He nods, "Yeah, where is he?"

"How should I know?"

Killua nudges my elbow, "So you're just gonna run away from your problems? Your friends, everything?"

"Looks like it." I said deflated, already bored with this unnecessary conversation. The Zoldyck's eyes darken and he cracks a grin, cupping my shoulders and pushing me against a thick tree, I yelp in shock. He wins a couple inches over me, dominating with complete inhalation.

"You can't run from me." His breathe is warm and smells of mint and cheep toothpaste, refreshing and clean. I stay silent, unsure of what to say, how to breathe, how to blink, my heart beating a million times faster and I feel as if I will pass out at any second. The butterflies that were once in my stomach now seem like daggers stabbing my back with each passing moment.

When Killua realizes that I'm surprised because I really am afriad, he understands and regret crosses his fearures, jerking away as if my skin was grazing fire. "Angel, " he begins but wills himself to stop, aware that whatever words escape his mouth are lies to me, even if they're true.

"I. Just. Want. To. Know. The. Truth." I don't know when the tears stream down my cheeks and into the solified ground, feeding nature. Or when Killua pulls me into a warm embrace, resting his chin on top of my head.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you. But it's very complicated," he releases a long, exasperated sigh. "The less you know, the better." I end up falling asleep in his lap, forgetting the risk of never opening my eyes again. Would he take advantage of my vulnerability, practically begging to be shred to pieces?

Normal P.O.V.

Noon hits and Killua's head is tilted to the side, he's humming soundlessly until his rival makes his appearance, baring his teeth at the sight, as expected. "What are you doing with her, Killua?" The spiky haired male glowered, the name an acid bullet in his lips.

"You fed the bad wolf, you son of a bitch." Killua mused, chuckling. "Not such a saint now." Gon stood his ground, taking a step towards him, fists balled in utter warning.

"Get away from her." He sneers, pleased. "We both know you can't save her anyway. Let me take care of it." Gon swung the girl on his shoulder with ease, never giving a second thought to the discolsure.

"You'll break her." Killua stated, staring at the ground. "And I won't be able to save her."

The Angel cackled, wipping a fake tear from his face. "It seems like you were unaware of the fact that you never had a chance. Why don't you try saving yourself first?"

"We both know that's impossible." Ocean Blue eyes locked on Y/N with sadness. "The scars on my back prove it."

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