Part Three

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Devon in MM

"Are the kids ready?"I ask impatiently and Devon doesn't answer.He just looks down at me with a stank face and I roll my eyes,pushing past him.

"Move nigga."

"Mommy!"Titi yells running into my arms and I smile picking her up.I notice Devon's sister sitting on the couch but Ion say nothing to the bitch.I really don't fucking like her.

"Hey baby...I missed you.Give me a kiss."I say and she smiles kissing my lips briefly."Where's your brother?"I ask and she points to their room.

"Go get him.We're leaving,ok?"

"Ok!"She says running off as soon as I put her down.Devon finally comes in the house and goes to the kids room.I just sit across from his sister,Cher,and wait for them.

"How can you kiss Tyranny with that mouth?"She asks without looking up from her phone and I snap my head up to look at her.Both her and Devon think the same way when it comes to stripping,she's just a lot more nasty.

"Bitch just keep on scrolling through your boring ass timeline.I'm not in the fucking mood."I say giving her a real ass warning.I know she doesn't want to be snatched up again by me.

"I swear if you weren't their mother those kids would have a lot more going for them."

"Aight bitch stand up.Cuz you and your nut ass brother keep fucking trying me!I gave your ass a warning and you didn't take it so stand up."

"You're not gonna do shit Miracle so shut your hoe ass up."She says and I stand right in front of her face.

"Do you not remember the last time I dragged you?!Bitch who's not gon do shit?!"I yell and barely notice Devon and the kids watching us.

"Aye what's going on?!"Devon yells coming over to get in between us.

"Your sister talking shit bout our kids!"I yell at him and he looks at her for answers.

"She a damn lie Devon,she mad cuz she a hoe and isn't good enough for you."She says and that makes me snap.I lunge at her and manage to pop her in the face.She holds her face and then gets up to basically not do shit but Devon already pulling me away.I just let him take me to his room and I see the kids following us.

"Mommy..."Titi whines,almost crying,and I motion for her to come to me but Devon stops them.

"Lemme talk to your mom real quick ok?Wait in your room."He says to them and they both nod reluctantly.

"I'm ok babies.We'll get some ice cream later ok?"I say trying to calm things down and they smile before leaving the room.Devon closes the door and I shift my anger to him.

"I don't want your sister around my kids anymore Devon!"I yell and he shakes his head.

"Let's shut that shit down right now Miracle.That's their aunt so they gon see her."

"She disrespects me and the kids all the time!Fuck if you stick up for me, you a real bitch of you don't stand up for your kids!"I yell and I can tell he's getting pissed,which is what I want.

"You talking out your ass right now cuz you still butt hurt over last night."He says pointing at me and I suck my teeth, swatting his finger out my face.

"Nigga don't hype yourself up!You can't hurt my feelings cuz Ion want you Devon!"I yell and he looks like he don't believe me.

"You wouldn't be yelling so damn loud if that was true.You trying too hard to prove you don't want me."He says and my mouth drops.

This nigga really thinks he's the shit.

"I.Do.Not.Want.You."I say spacing the words out to emphasize it and he laughs before kissing me hard.

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