Part Twenty

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"Titi put that damn doll down so I can put your jacket on." I say frustrated as fuck and she starts crying at my yelling. I sigh and try to calm her down as Devon walks in the room.

"Come here baby girl..." Devon says coming over and picking her up and I stand up and watch how she instantly stops crying in his arms. "Mommy didn't mean to make you upset. Just give me your doll and I'll hold her while you get dressed, ok?" He says and she nods handing it to him.

"I'm sorry Titi just listen when I tell you to do something, ok?" I say taking her from Devon and she nods holding my neck. I hand Devon her jacket and he helps me put it on her.

"You good Miracle?" Devon asks as I put Titi down and I sigh nodding. We're supposed to be going to see my Dad and the baby and it's just stressing me the fuck out.

"I just don't want to go over there." I confess and he nods as he holds Titi's hand. He really just went off and made a whole new family...

"That doesn't mean he doesn't still love you and want you to be apart of the family."

"Who's to say I want to be?" I ask chuckling and he gives me a look. Devon is doing his best to stay neutral in this situation and just support whatever I choose but I need help choosing.

"At the end of the day you get to decide but don't try and change your mind after you decide. You know how you are." He teases and I laugh and hit him hard.

"Shut up Devon!" I yell and he laughs. We leave Titi's room and I take Titi's hand so Devon can carry Deandre cuz he's sleeping.We leave the house and head over to my Dad's house.


"Brooklyn!" My Dad yells pulling me into a hug and I hesitantly hug him back. After the hug ends he daps Devon up before leading us into the house. "I was hoping you would bring your kids..."

"Yea we wanted to make this visit about the new addition to the family." Devon says after I look to him to answer. The truth is we don't want to introduce them to their other "grandparents " yet.

"I understand. We're just happy you two came to see us." He says and I just smile cuz I don't know what to say. He leads us through the house to nursery and as soon as we enter we hear screeching.

"Oh hey guys. Thanks for coming." Gianna says moving her hair out her face and I notice she looks miserable.The baby is just crying and Gianna looks like she hasn't slept since the hospital.

"Let me get her..." My Dad says taking her in his arms and Gianna looks relieved as the baby starts calming down. "Brooklyn this is Destiny." He says bring her over and I can't help but smile.I love babies 🤷🏿‍♀️.

"Can I hold her?" I ask and he smiles, handing her to me. I take her carefully and just take in her presence. I just stare at her searching for any hint of my dad but I can't find any. I don't even see any Gianna.

"She's beautiful. Congrats." Devon says after I've been silent for a minute. "You ok?" He asks in my ear and I snap out of it.I give him a look which let's him know I'm not.

"Let me not hog her..." I say passing her back to my dad and he frowns taking her. "Devon did we forget the diapers in the car?Lets go get them..."

"Actually I wanted to talk to you can me and you go instead?" Gianna says getting off the bed and I just nod cuz I feel like I have no choice. I follow her out the room and we walk in silence to the car.

When we get to the car I get the diapers and she just aggressively taps away at her phone. "Sooooo what did you want to talk about?" I ask getting her attention and at first she ignores me but then she looks up.

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