Part Twelve

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"You're bad for me David..."I say rubbing on his chest and he laughs,taking another hit from the blunt.We've been hanging out a lot lately and at first all we really did was smoke,drink,and fuck but we've started getting to know each other more...I'm starting to really like him but he is a distraction from my priorities.

"Here..."He says lowly and I take the blunt from him.He watches me as I take a hit and I giggle cuz I'm already high."You so sexy."He says rubbing my inner thigh and I laugh taking another hit.

I move my hand to his leg as I pass him back the blunt and he bites his lips watching my hand inch closer to his bulge...

"Why is this nigga always texting you?!"David says seeing my phone blow up with Devon's name flashing on my screen.I reach for my phone and he's reluctant to give it to me,I kiss him briefly as I slide my phone out his hand.

Devon-call me real quick Miracle

-I'm actually kinda busy..Is something wrong?How are the kids?

Devon-the kids are fine I just really need to talk to you....Please?

I sigh and look up at David who has been intently watching me as he smokes."David..."I say and he can already tell he's not gonna like what I'm bout to say.


"I need to call Devon."I say and he frowns,blowing smoke out."I'll be quick."I say patting his thigh and I'm bout to get up but he stops me.

"You can talk to him right here."He says and I nod sitting back down.He puts his arm around me and I lay on his chest before making the call.I like how aggressive David is with me,it's a major turn on.And I know he's like that cuz of his "profession" lol.I could tell this nigga dealt drugs the moment I saw him.

"Hey Devon,what's up?"

"Hey Miracle...I wanted to run something by you."He says sounding kind of scared so that makes me nervous."I was thinking of taking the kids on a trip to see my family..."

"What?"I ask kinda confused and he takes a deep breath.He barely talks to them niggas so what is he thinking.

"My mom's family hasn't seen the kids in years and she thinks I should bring them next week for a family thing they having....They invited you too but I didn't think you'd want to go..."

"If you taking my kids of course I wanna go!"I say quickly and I see David look at me weird.I don't want him taking the kids out of the state without me,I don't like being away from them for more than a day.

"So you want to go one a trip with me?"

"No I wanna go on a trip with the kids and you'll happen to be there."I say as I grab David's face,he's over here tryna get my attention so I'm a give him a little.

"Ok well,we leave next Friday and we'll come back on Monday.I'll come pick you up early so we dont get there too late."

"We're driving?"I ask turning away from David and he sucks his teeth.I don't really wanna be in a car with Devon for hours."Why can't we fly?"

"It's not that far Miracle..."

"Ugh fine."I say cuz Ion wanna get into a argument with him over this.

"I don't want you in a car with him..."David says making me look at him and I laugh a little at his jealous ass.

"Nothing's gonna happen with the kids in the car..."I say moving the phone away so Devon doesn't hear us talking."Don't worry David."I say moving to kiss him and he holds my face so he can kiss me hard.As we kiss I hear Devon yelling my name and I honestly forgot we were still on the phone.

"Miracle where did you go?Is someone else there?"Devon asks and I laugh wiping my lips.

"Yea sorry I was talking to David.I gotta go though Devon so give the kids kisses for me and text me the details bout the trip."

"Aight...Bye Miracle."He says and I hang up without saying goodbye back.I throw my phone on the couch and let David pull me onto him.

"You going on family trips with him?"He asks and I take the blunt out his mouth so I can hit it.

"It's not a big deal...Why you so pressed though?"I ask trying to pressure him into telling me what we're doing.I'm confused on if we're dating cuz he acts like we are.

"I don't like sharing."He says beating around the bush.I let him grab on me and I bite my lip,wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Ok but are we together or not?"

"Why you want a title Miracle?We having fun right?"He asks and I bite my lip nodding.

"Yea but if we just having fun then I can have fun with other people too."I say and his face changes.I'm not saying I want to go fuck Devon and other niggas but I want him to realize he wants to be exclusive.

"So you want to fuck your ex?"He asks loosening his grip on me and I shake my head."Ok so why say that disrespectful shit Miracle?"

"I'm not trying to disrespect you David but Ion like you "claiming" me when you not claiming me you know?"I say looking up at him and he licks his lips.

"What you want me to say?You mine?Cuz I thought you knew you were mine."He says and I smile cuz I think that's the closest I'll get so I'll just take it.I know I wasn't sure if I wanted to date but I really like David so I'm a give him a chance.I've only dated one guy my whole life so this is gonna be....a new experience.

He bites his lip before kissing me and I smile as he pulls me closer to him."Let's go to my room...."

"Lemme finish this blunt off first."He says taking a hit and I laugh biting my lip.I watch as he takes a hit and I can't believe how fine this nigga is...

"I want you right now."I say rubbing on his chest and he laughs looking down at me.

"Well you can have me right now..."He says and I know what he's getting at so I giggle as I go to my knees,I like pleasing my man so I'm a give him a little something.

I pull his joggers down and then his boxers and he just watches me as he smokes.He's already kinda hard but as soon as my lips touch him he instantly stands up so I get to work.I take my time and make sure he likes what I'm doing every minute.He tries to keep smoking but after a while he has to put it out to focus on me.He keeps his eyes on me nearly the whole time and I think that is so sexy...Since my hair is already in a bun he doesn't need to hold my hair up he just uses his hand to guide my head.

I keep a good pace and try out my little tricks until he's ready to bust.I do not want him busting in my face so I grab some napkins so he can do it in there.After he's done I wipe my mouth as he throws that away and I wait for him to come back to me.

I smile at him as he pulls me into him,I love how aggressive he is."Let's go take a shower baby..."I say and he nods just rubbing on my booty.I roll my eyes cuz he's not even looking at me,I clear my throat and he finally looks at me.

"Aight let's go..."He says biting his lip and I shake my head before leading the way upstairs.

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