Part Nineteen

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"What do you mean you're quitting?"Reef asks looking down at me and I frown.He called me to his office and I decided this would be a good time to put in my "two weeks".

"I mean I'm not working here anymore Reef."I say gathering my stuff but he stops me by putting his hand on my shoulder.

"You ain't going over to Loyola are you?"He asks and I quickly shake my head.Loyola is the nickname for this other club across town."Why you ain't tell me this shit sooner Miracle?"

"This is my two weeks notice Reef...."

"So you still gon be stripping for the next two weeks?"He asks glaring at me and I look away before shaking my head."So how am I supposed to replace you on short notice?!"

"I don't know Reef but I can't keep working here so you gon have to figure that out."I say getting up but he grabs my arm,I look at this nigga crazy and he sighs before letting me go.

"Miracle you know you the best dancer here,I need you. We been knowing eachother a long ass time and you gon do me like this?"

After hearing that I feel kinda bad cuz he did do a lot for me when I first started stripping.Despite our current relationship he used to watch the kids sometimes and he paid my rent a couple times before I got my shit together.

"Ok Reef....I'll stick it out for two more weeks but after that I'm gone.I just can't do this anymore."I say and he just nods realizing he can't say or do anything to change my mind.

"You could get into bottle service?"He suggests and I laugh cuz that's like the ultimate betrayal to my fellow dancers.

"Yea I'm good...."


"So you not quitting?"Devon asks putting a sleeping Titi in bed.

"No I'm still quitting...Just not for another two weeks."I say and he groans as we leave her room."Devon it's just another two weeks it's not gonna kill you."

"I just can't wait for you to be out that damn club Miracle!"He says as I walk into his arms and he grabs my waist.

"Soon...."I say rubbing his chest and he bites his lip."You not gon miss those private dances though are you?"I say lowly and he laughs shaking his head.He knows he loves all the tricks and shit I learned from being a stripper,

"Can I get one right now?"He asks and I smile before shaking my head."And why the fuck not?"He asks frowning and I laugh separating from him.

"Cuz Deandre is still up and he's probably hungry so instead of being in here together we should be out there with him."I say and he laughs nodding.I'm surprised he didn't put up more of an effort."But tonight when I get back from the club..."I say flirting and he nods excitedly which makes me laugh.

Me and Devon are basically back together and I know it's hella early but I feel like this is it.This time feels different than all the other times and I think it's because I've been with another guy and have seen what else is out there and Devon is a better option.I should really thank David for pushing me back to Devon cuz I really love this nigga.

We walk out to the living room and we sit on both sides of Deandre.You hungry Dre?Devon asks and he just shakes his head.He immediately leans against me and I smile holding him.We just chill and watch whatever Deandre was watching but then I notice Devon getting mad at something in his phone.

"What's wrong?"I ask calmly so I don't worry Deandre.

He looks over at me like he's debating whether to tell me or not but he should know I'm not gonna leave it alone now.

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