Part Nine

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Kendra in MM

"Stop fucking playing Miracle."Kendra says and I shake my head.

"On God that's my father."I say turning around so he doesn't see me.I haven't seen him in 4 years,he doesn't even know I'm a stripper!.....Or maybe he found out and thought this was the only way to get me to talk to him.Even though I got his number I just left that shit where it was,I decided I'm still not ready to talk to him.

"Can I still give him a dance though?"Janae asks pouting and I suck my teeth as Kendra hits her."Nevermind then...."

"Did he say he was looking for me?"I ask and she shakes her head so I sigh in relief.Hopefully he just came for a good time and not to see me,I think I can just slip out without bumping into him.

"You don't wanna talk to him?"Janae asks and I look down at my almost naked body before looking up at her and she nods understanding."Well lemme just distract him with a couple dances so he doesn't see you....I promise I'll only give him dances."She says and I think it over before nodding.

"It is a good idea to keep him preoccupied...."

"After she's done I can keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't cross paths with you."Kendra says and I smile in thanks.

"I need to tell Reef I can't go on stage tonight..."I say and they nod.We go our separate ways and I feel grateful for those girls...They don't know the situation with me and my dad but they're still willing to help me without question.Those are some ride or die bitches right there.

"Reef."I say getting his attention as he talks to Nicki,Nicki rolls her eyes but I ignore her."I can't go on stage tonight....I'll just give extra dances to make up for it?"

"You know I don't keep track of that."He says looking at Nicki and I roll my eyes as I look back at him.

"Well I'm telling you."

"You know what?For that attitude you can get your ass on stage right now.Nicki tell whoever next that Miracle bout to go."He says and I shake my head but he shakes his right back at me."Nope I was gon let you slide but I didn't like what you said."

"Ok I'm sorry but please!"

"C'mon Miracle.Lana is about to be done."Nicki says and I look to Reef,just pleading with my eyes but he shakes his head again.I just huff and follow Nicki...Hopefully Janae can keep my dad in there just until I finish.

"Thank God this night is over..."I say packing up my stuff and Kendra laughs.

"How you know he won't be back tomorrow?"She asks and I look at her with a straight face.I didn't really think of that,I thought this night was hard but it might not be a one time thing.

"I might need to quit...."

"You might not even need to quit cuz Nicki was just asking Reef to fire you."Janae says walking up and I just laugh.Reef would never fire me and she's a fucking idiot for even trying.

"The only way I'm leaving this club is if I want to.I actually might need to see that bitch...."I say and they laugh but I'm serious,I would not mind fighting Nicki once and for all.

"Are y'all working tomorrow?"Janae asks and I shake my head.I need another night off so I'm a just take my name of tomorrow schedule.Kendra shakes her head too.

"It's my brother's birthday tomorrow so Reef let me have the night off."Kendra says and we nod as we say goodbye to some other girls,and leave the dressing room.

"Fuck.I'm a be here all by myself then."Janae says and I shrug as Kendra laughs."I'll talk to y'all later."She says and we say our goodbyes to her.

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