Part Eight

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Devon in MM

"Devon get out my driveway."I say walking up to him,he's sitting in his car with the door open.He gets out quickly to get close to me but I push him back a little.

"Miracle what the fuck is wrong with you?"He says and I look up at him.

"Devon you keep fucking with me and I swear you won't see the kids again!"I yell and I really feel like I mean it this time.

"Fuck that...I'm going to see my kids."He says moving past me and going towards the front door,he really must think I left the door open.I watch him go to the door and try and open it and then get pissed off when he sees it's locked.He looks over at me and I pull the key out my pocket to show him.He rushes down here but I slip that thing back in my pocket.

"Give me the key."

"No."I say trying to walk past him but he grabs my arm."Get off me!"I yell yanking my arm from him and he frowns.

"Miracle are you just mad cuz I couldn't watch the kids last night or cuz I was with that girl?"He asks and I just look at the ground,not answering him.He sighs and shakes his head."You can't even be mad at me Miracle."

"I'm not mad cuz you with some bitch Devon,I'm mad cuz you turned our kids away!"

"You know I wasn't turning them away.I was turning you away and I'm sorry ..."He says stepping closer to me and I shake my head."Can we please just go inside and talk?"He asks and I think it over before nodding,we've been yelling out here and I rather the neighbors not see anymore.

I lead him inside and as soon as we get in the kids are all on him.I just watch as he holds them and I see how happy they are with him...I could never keep him away from them no matter how mad I am.

"Lemme talk to your mom ok?"He says putting them down and they go to their room.I go sit down in the living room and wait for him to come over.He sits beside me and I sit back and hold one of the pillows."Miracle I wanna co parent the kids as best as possible but you make it really hard sometimes....."He says and I shake my head.

"Devon you do things sometimes that makes me hate you...Real talk."

"Like what?"He asks and I scoff cuz I know this nigga is not playing dumb.

"Devon I never told you I wanted to get back with you and then you start treating me like shit cuz of it?That shit isn't fair!"

"No,what's not fair is that you lead me on like you wanna get back with me then fuck some random nigga...Not once,but twice!"He says and I can see that bringing this conversation back up pisses him off again.

"Look I'm sorry for that Devon but you don't have to talk down on me and treat me like shit."I say and he sighs nodding,it's kinda silent for a second before he talks.

"I thought we were good Miracle...I really thought you were fucking with me."He says sounding hella hurt and I do feel bad.

"Devon,me and you are never gonna work...I know you know that."

"We used to work really well Miracle.I wanted to try and have that again.The kids will never know what's it's like to have their parents together and happy..."He says and I shake my head.

"We just out grew each other Devon...We don't have to be together to be happy and the kids will be fine with that."I say and he looks at me deeply,usually I would look away but I actually hold his gaze.

"So we really done?Cuz if we done for real than that includes everything...We can't be doing shit like we together."

"Are you talking bout sex?"

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