Part Fourteen

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"What you thinking bout Miracle...."David says snapping me out of my trance.I look up at him and shake my head,I was thinking bout Devon but he doesn't need to know that.Ever since the trip we haven't really talked cuz I've made it awkward.I just don't know why I can't stop thinking bout that conversation.

"I was just thinking bout when to quit at the club."I blurt out and even though I have been thinking bout that that's not an issue right now.

"You for real?Cuz once you quit that means I can't go anymore."

I laugh a little bit which makes him laugh.Even though I'm a stripper I wouldn't want him at a strip club without me.Devon never felt the need to go to one since I was basically giving him private shows every night for free.

"I'm hungry..."I say and he licks his lips as he eyes me."Stop."

"Stop what?!"He says trying to act innocent and I shake my head getting off him."Come back here Miracle."He says and I giggle shaking my head,I keep walking away from the couch and he follows me.

"Stop following me David."I say turning to face him,not knowing he was hella close to me.He grabs my waist tightly and I bite my lip as I hide my face.

"I told you to bring your ass Miracle."He says and I nod looking up at him,he pulls my face close to his so he can kiss me.I have this good nigga right in front of me and I'm thinking of Devon's stupid ass?I must be stupid.

"Come on baby...."I say leading him to my room,I need to forget Devon and appreciate my man.

"What you tryna do?"He asks as I push him onto the bed,I bite my lip as I go to my knees.He watches intently as I unbuckle his jeans and pull them down to his ankles.I giggle when he snaps out of his trance to help me take his boxers off.

Without saying anything I start stroking him and he immediately starts responding to it.I take my time before I start to use my tongue to tease him,and after doing that for a little bit he squeezes my shoulder to let me know he's ready for the real thing.

I starting going to work and he helps me by holding my hair in his fist.I'm concentrated on giving him some bomb ass head and I can tell he likes it by his cussing and moaning.

"Look at me Miracle."He says as I come up for air and I comply,I know he thinks it's hot when I hold eye contact so I don't mind.I move to using both my mouth and my hand,all the while keeping my eyes on him and after a couple more minutes he's had enough."Shit..."He says letting me know to move off him so he can finish in his hand,me being the good girlfriend I am I go get him something to clean that up.

After he's cleaned up and has his pants back on he pulls me onto the bed with him."I'm still hungry."I say and he laughs which makes me laugh."Let's go somewhere baby..."I say touching his face and he shakes his head.

"Can't we just order something?I'm not tryna leave this bed..."He says being cute and I smile nodding,I try to get up to reach my phone but he holds me tightly.

"Lemme get my phone."

"Lemme get a kiss first."He says and I kiss my teeth playfully before kissing him gently.Instead of letting me go though he pulls me closer but I'm not complaining,we start making out but get interrupted by my phone going off.

"It might be the kids.."I say and he nods letting me go.I roll over a little and get my phone of the table to see Devon's name,I groan a little bit before answering.


"Hey Devon,are the kids ok?"I ask and immediately hear Titi in the background.He's supposed to drop them off with his sister tonight and I'm supposed to pick them up tomorrow so I'm wondering why he's calling.

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