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08 : 48 |

jennie, he mumbles, in deep thought. "no it doesn't," he shook his head. "i knew it wont.."she mumbled and looked away.

" goodbye yoongi," she stood up and quickly made her way out.

" kim jennie, how did i not notice it was you earlier." he sighs.

10 : 00 |

it was late at night after his pratice. she had still lingered in his mind since morning.

"yah, stop eating all of the food!" he heard jin shouting at taehyung. he slowly made his way to the dinning table and sat down, still deep in thought.

"what's wrong,hyung?" hoseok said and glanced at the older boy worriedly, causing the rest to turn their gaze to him.

he knew he couldn't hide it, so he confessed.

" i met my ex "

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