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07 : 01 PM ▮

he sighed as he stared at the message. millions of thoughts going through his mind.
is she crying ? is she alright? she'll hate me and never see me again right?

"yoongi ah," he heard jin's voice and looked up. "you're crying,"

yoongi widened his eyes before wiping his tears away.

"i know it hurts alright. shit, love sucks." jin chuckled as he sat beside yoongi.

"i fucking screwed up didnt i?" yoongi laughed. "man lets hit some soju and drink till we drop," jin wrapped his arm around yoongi and patted him.

"why not," he chuckled in return.

08 : 00 PM ▮

the two man right now weren't sober one bit. "yoongi ah~" jin giggled as he hugged yoongi.
"jin hyung, that tickles," yoongi hiccuped inbetween giggles.

the two were now hugging each other dangerously close to each other on yoongi's bed right now.

"yah yoongi hyungㅡ"

the door was opened and hoseok widened his eyes. "oh my god!" he shouted.

"mmm hoseok join us," yoongi giggled and widened his arms into the air.

"this two hyungs," hoseok facepalmed. "just kiss each other already," he walked in and pushed yoongi , who was trying to grab him, back into bed.

"oh fuck," hoseok cursed when he saw it happen.

he pushed yoongi to hard back into the bed andㅡ i guess you could say, both yoongi and jin's lips met.

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