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10 : 00 AM ▮

he was now lying in bed, staring blankly at his ceiling. what have i done , he laughed and felt tears slowly roll down.

"im fucked up, dont you think so?"

he said out loud. "im guessing she said no," he turned his head towards the voice.

"jin hyung," he greeted.

"you should have explained everything you dumb fuck," jin grabbed his ear.

" hyung, you arent making me feel any better," yoongi pouted.

"you deserved this," jin huffed.

"you should have explained starting from those moans you ass before jumping to ' i love you ' mode."


"you're dumb when it comes to love," jin snorted and yoongi whined, pouting.

"but it sounded like a male moan am i right?" yoongi questioned.

"you asked jimin to do it, he has a high pitched voice, and also, the voice you listen to over the phone is fucked up. of course it sounds like a girl!"

"i should have never asked jimin to moan into the phone damnit," yoongi scolded himself.

11 : 09 AM ▮

last night was still stuck in her head. i love you? what a joke, joke of the century man , she chuckled to herself.

she was done being a delusional ass, she wasnt going to go for an idol. it was sort of impossible.

society will hate on her and will be disappointed in him so badly.

if it was someone famous, of course they would agree. her? a mere fan or a normal girl, how could she ever date an idol.

like anyone would listen to their background story from years ago, hell no.

she was done for, she's going to get rid of her feelings for him, once and for all.

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