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07 : 00 PM ▮

it was after her shift, she was now lying in her bed, staring at her white plain ceiling. thinking about what seokjin had said.

"trust him? after hearing moans in the phone, oh sure," she sarcastically said to herself.

a sudden ring! from her phone made her jolt. she grabbed her phone from the nightstand and stared at the message.

yoons :


yoons :
lets break off our connections


yoons :

she hadn't really bothered anymore, she already saw this coming.

he's doing this because he loves you, what a joke, she thought to herself.

im not going to sob and kill myself just because of this man, i'll live without him, after all, he lost someone like me, she cheered herself up.

she threw her phone back to her nightstand before tucking herself back into bed.

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