
2K 138 17

03 : 00 PM ▮

they were both cuddled together closely, like in the old days. his arn was around her as she sat in between his legs.
he pulled her closer and buried his face in her neck and sniffed her scent.

" you smell amazing like always," he muttered. she giggled in return.

they made eye contact and laughed again.

their favourite movie was playing on screen.

like always they were at the same place, her apartment. doing the same thing, with the same people.
but something was still off. no one could still deny, it was the same both of them, but yet, they were different now.

ring !! ring!!

he scoffed as he stared at his lock screen.


she nudged him and he groaned. " must i?"

she nodded and urged him to pick it up.

he swipe the answer button amd placed the phone near his ears.

"pd-nim wants to see"

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