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09 : 31 PM ▮

i love you

those three words that she had heard many times. "we'll be together" also a lie that has been said.


his face dropped.

"i don't love you," she smiled bitterly. "i dont love you like how i used to."

"im over you," she said.

he felt his heart breaking. he knew he deserved this. he was expecting this but yet... why did it hurt so much more than expected.

"i understand, im sorry." he bowed sincerely.
"i hope you're happy," he faked a smile.

"yeh," she replied shortly.

there was an awkward tension between them until she broke it.
"i'll get going, goodbye yoongi." she smiled before leaving.

he finally let go.

his tears were falling.

he deserved this.

people say follow your heart.she was his heart, but after she shattered it to pieces.

which way those he follow if its in a million pieces?

which way those he follow if its in a million pieces?

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