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09 : 06 AM ▮

the next morning, yoongi had woken up with his hungover. "fuck,shouldn't have drank," he mumbled as he sat up. his hand went over to his side and instead of touching the bedsheets, he had felt something warm.

"fucking hell!" he shouted as he kicked his hyung off his bed.

jin fell off the bed with a loud thud and groaned. "fuck," he whispered. "why did you have to kick me," he groaned.

"you were sleeping on my bed," yoongi scrunched his nose.

"why was i even...?"

"how would i know?"

"yo yoongi and jin hyung get out for breakfast," namjoon called out from the living room.

they slowly stood up and made their way to the living room with their headaches.

at another part of the city, where she stood. she looked down at the city below her on her balcony. "such a beautiful scenery yet it doesn't seem colourful to me," she bitterly sighed.

she walked back into the kitchen and sighed yet again.

sighing had became her normal routine now. after he had left. no matter how much she told herself to stay strong and forget him.

those stubborn memories still stayed with her, never leaving, ever.

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