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07 : 00 PM ▮

she called yoongi out, she could hear how hesitant he was honestly.

she heard footsteps and she turned around, she was greeted by the taller black haired male.

"yoongi," she said softly.

"jennie, iㅡ"

"shhh dont talk," she placed a finger on his lips before pulling him into a warm embrace.

he was taken aback, but regained his posture and returned the hug.

it felt nice, it felt so wrong yet right. but he knew he couldn't have this forever.

"yoongi ah, i love you," she said and he widened his eyes, but stayed quiet.

"i love you so much, but we cant..... you know am i right? jin came over to the cafe i worked at and told me to believe in everything you did, im guessing it was for my best right?" she laughed bitterly and burried herself in his chest.

"aish that hyung," yoongi grumbled and pouted.

"dont be a brat, he helped you alright. if he didn't told me that, i would be slapping your ass right now because of those moans," she chuckled.

"ah wait those moans were jimin's" he quickly said, his face flushed.

"jin already told me that on the phone before i was here, damn you should be greatful for him," she laughed heartily.

his eyes soften and he said softly," ye, he's the best,"

"but yoongi," she suddenly grew serious.

"we can't be together.....anymore." she said.

"i know," he pouted.

"wait for me."

"what?" she squinted her eyebrows in confusion and looked up at the male.

"wait for me to take you back," he pinched her cheeks.

"nah i wanna get rid of my feelings for you, that was my sole purpose right now." she laughed.

"but ," he pouted, the sadness in his eyes was obvious.

"why do you have to be so cute," she sighed," even if i fif have to get rid of my feelings it'll be difficult since i see you everywhere i go oh god,"

"perks of being an idol, you'll see me everyday," he joked, earning a playful slap from her.

"wait for me alright? ill be back"

"ill be back," she imitated terminator.

"oh god why do you keep ruining the mood," he laughed.

" because im fabulous," she grinnned.

"whatever, now kiss me"
yoongi grinned and lowered his head.

"ew no kiss yourself," she grinned.

"stop playing hard to get before i kick your butt," he scrunched his nose.

"whatever," she tiptoed and kissed him on the lips.

"thats more like it," he grinned and said in between the kiss.

"shut up and kiss me good before i kick your father's day."

[ 끝 ]

dont worry there will be an epilogue :]

im sorry for this suckiss ending, like i didn't even plan this book out properly uHHHHH

but yes pls vote or whatever.

do yall want a q&a for the characters or me???

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