Rewind: Daycare

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(Peggy P.O.V)

I was crying in the waiting room for about two hours and waiting for Eliza to come tell me how my Y/n is. I felt a hand around my shoulder I looked up and I saw my oldest sister. "Angelica?"
"I came as soon as I heard." She said while wiping my tears.
"All the way from London?" Damn.
"Is she ok?"
"I don't know."
"She will be"
"I pray to God she will"
We hugged for a while longer until
The nurse behind the front counter looked terrified.
Lafayette came up behind him and pushed him towards the waiting room.
"Sorry about him, monsieur" He said in a heavy accent.
When they sat next to us in the waiting room Hercules broke down and started crying in Laf's shoulder.
"C'est bon, mon amour. Elle sera de retour." Laf told his boyfriend.
"He's right." I said rubbing my soon to be brother in laws back.
"She'll come back to me she has to...

8 hours later.............

Hercules and I were by Y/n's side in her room she was in a serious coma and Eliza doesn't know when she's gonna wake up. Or if she's gonna wake up...
"I can't stay here and see her like this. I'm so sorry Peggy I got to go." Herc was close to tears as he got up and kissed my cheek and ran his fingers through Y/n hair for the last time and left.
"Baby please wake up in need you. Herc needs you. I can't live without you please. Wake up please..."

(Y/N P.O.V)

Am I alive? Am I dead? Where's Peggy? Where am I....?
I heard a school bell ring. I turned around and saw. My daycare?

(No one's P.O.V)
Y/n walked around on her old stomping grounds. Why am I here? She looked around and saw a little Hercules Mulligan in a blue ninja turtle shirt with a blue beanie about 5 years-old get out the car.
"Bye Mommy! I'll walk y/n to her day care myself!" I... I don't remember this day...
"Ok y/'n its you first day of daycare and it should be a breeze" he took little 2 year old almost 3 Y/n's hand and walked with her inside. She wore a orange beanie with a girl Michaelangelo ninja turtle on her shirt.
"You guys take two naps a day! In kindergarten we only take one!" The child complained. "Now tell me what do you do if someone is picking on you or anyone else?"
"Beat them to the gwound!" Tiny y/n exclaimed. Herc wipes a fake tear from his eye "I have trained you well my little baby sister." He hugged y/n and kissed her forehead. "Bye I gotta go!" Y/n held his hand tighter.
"Don't worry I come back after kindergarten over and I'll hangout with you." Y/n smiled and let go of her brother's hand and waved goodbye to him. He turned and ran towards Lafayette, John Lawrence, and Alexander Hamilton, while waving good bye to his sister.
Man I didn't realize how much Hercules taught me...
Little y/n walked inside and was greeted by a friendly young woman about 25 years old.
"Hello, y/n It's great to see you!"
Little y/n smiled and waved at Mrs. Martha Washington and shuffled towards her.
"Ooh I like your beanie! Hmm can you tell me what color it is?"
Organe tiny me orange.
Gah dang it.
Mrs. Washington raised her eyebrow and smiled. "Nooo. Can you say orange." Little y/n thought for a second.
"Close enough. Hey why don't you go play with that girl over there." Mrs. Washington motioned toward a little girl that looked about 2, wearing a adorable yellow dress playing with blocks.
Awww I remember how cute Peggy was.
Little y/n nodded and made her way towards little Peggy. She plopped down next to her and picked up a block and smiled at Peggy. Peggy smiled back and said, "Hewo! I'm Margawita Schuywer! But call me Peggy!What's your's?"
"Y/n Mulligan! Can I build wit you?"
"Sure under 1 conditioner..."
"Can I call you N/n?"
"Why?" Little y/n blushed
"I no know. It just suits you."
"Ok fine" y/n said still blushing.
"We gonna build a castle ok? I be the kween and you be my knight!" Peggy said as she started building. Y/n nodded and started building too. Man she was my best friend wasn't she. I don't remember this...
"Uh! I can't weach the top." Little Peggy started getting angry and looked like she was going to cry. Little y/n thought quickly and decided to lift her up. Literally. She picked up Peggy and gave her the block and smiled up at her. Peggy blushed and smiled back and put the block on top
"And it done! Tank you for helping." Y/n nodded and walked away to the the dress up box and grabbed a crown and knight helmet. They ran around chasing each other for a little bit until...
Their castle was knocked over.
Oh gosh that little bitch George and his minion Samuel.
"Hey!" Peggy shouted
"Move peasant this is my tewwain now." George said.
"Young maiden move or we'll make you." Samuel said.
"No." Peggy said firmly.
Y/n was so confused and covered with blocks.
"Well you give me no choice. Samuel..."
Samuel pushed Peggy over and pulled her hair. Little Peggy screamed in pain and started crying. Before Mrs. Washington could even start running over there little y/n motherfuckng awsome Mulligan grabbed Samuel by the collar of his pollo and threw him into George.
"Leave my kween awone." Y/n said, face angry and hard as stone. Y/n's face softened as she turned to a crying Peggy. She went over and gave her a hug and kissed her forehead.
"You ok Peggy?"
Peggy looked up at y/n and snuggled closer to y/n
"I am now...."
"What happened?!?" Mrs. Washington said as she ran over. "That ruffian threw me into George!" Samuel said and pointed at y/n. Y/n growled and Peggy held her hand to keep her in check.
"Only pecause you knocked down owr castle and pulled my hair." Peggy pouted and said.
"Well both of you apologize. Now." Mrs. Washington said while grabbing Samuel and Y/n.
"I'm sowwy for thwowing you."
Even though the twerp deserved it.
"I am also sorry for pulling your lady's hair..."
"Good. Now it's time for your nap."
The young one's scurried to get a pillow and blanket.
"Awe I only got a pillow" Peggy pouted.
"I got a blankie." Y/n said as she walked up to Peggy.
"Wanna share?"
"Sure!"Peggy exclaimed.
She pulled y/n on the floor and put the pillow on the ground and laid on it with her. They put the blanket over themselves and fell asleep peacefully.
Oh no I see where this is going. What is this some Christmas Carol shit. Why can't I wake up Where's my Peggy.
The world went black and y/n fell in a black pit and fell face first in grass.
The hell? Is this my middle/high school...

To be continued...

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