Max P.O.V
I woke up to my phone blaring All The Small Things. Shit! Thats my half eight alarm! I need to be in school in fifteen minutes! I took a two minute shower and shoved of a pair of jeans and a random black shirt. Ten minutes! Shit! Pulling on a pair of shoes, I grabbed and apple and ran to school.
When I got there, I was five minutes late. Not too bad, I thought to myself. I arrived at my form room, but tripped up and fell through the door. I heard a few laughs from my classmates, and Mr. Banner made a 'late again' comment and I waved him off. I didn't have my coffee this morning and I was feeling kind of pissy.
When I walked over to my seat next to Josh, we did our handshake that we made up when we were twelve. I peered over his head to say hi to Matt and Chris, but I was met with something different. A girl was sandwitched inbetween Matt and Chris. She was laughing at something Chris had said. She was really pretty. She looked over at me and smiled. It wasn't your usual hi how you doing? smile. The way smiled was unusual. Her grey eyes would light up and the left corner of her lips turned up ever so slightly.
"Hi, I'm Max," I said.
"Scout." She waved awkwardly and smiled again. I waved back. Josh looked at me with a what the fuck, man? look and sighed.
Chris poked her cheek and she apologised and went back to their conversation.
"New girl's nice, huh." Josh smirked.
"I wouldn't know, Chris didn't give me a chance to talk to her," I laughed. It was pretty obvious that Chris was smitten. This happened almost every time he met a pretty girl. It would fade in a few days.
Mr. Banner was a pretty cool teacher, and let us talk for ten minutes before the bell rang, giving me a chance to talk to Scout.
"Hey," I said lamely. She smiled that smile of hers and tucked a piece of hair behind her ears. It wasn't a flirtacious gesture. More of a nervous habit maybe? I couldn't be sure.
"Hi Max." I liked the way she said my name. She gasped at me and I shot her a confused look. "Is that a first generation Star Wars shirt?" I looked down at the shirt I had thrown on this morning and smiled. This was my favourite shirt of all time. My dad got it when it first came out and gave it to me a few years ago
"Yup. 420th to be made." She looked at me and whispered, "Blaze it." We both burst out laughing.
By the time we had regained our composture, the bell had rung. Scout, Josh and I had music together, which was awesome considering the teacher we had that year. A shrill sound shook me out of my thoughts and the trhee of us urned around to see Shawn, (a complete dick) looking Scout up and down.
"Damn girl, where have you been all my life?" I was about to tell him to fuck off, whe Scout flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder.
"In a cave, hiding from one-dimentional fuckwits that will stop at nothing to get their three inches in anything with a nice butt," she sassed. He looked at her with wide eyes, and she grabbed my hand and walked away. I looked over at Josh to see that she was holding onto his arm. Once we were out of sight she dropped my hand and Josh's arm and stamped her foot in frustration.
"Ugh! Why is it that guys look at girls and think, 'Oh I have an idea! I'll completely over-sexualize everything about this girl!' I mean, what am I even supposed to say to that? 'Oh, yes nice consistent pitch in that catcall darling, I think you would be an excellent mating partner.' I am not a dog. It's not a fucking compliment!" She looked really mad. Josh and I looked at her in awe. "Never mind, let's just go."